Example sentences of "be take with the " in BNC.

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1 In all these methods , care has to be taken with the preparation of the sample , since ancient alloys were sometimes not well mixed .
2 Issue will be taken with the appropriateness of applying the concept of punishment to the probation context through reference to a demanding and successful probation project concerned with offenders in trouble through drink .
3 In writing for others they will learn that writing for a public audience requires more care to be taken with the finished product than writing for oneself as an aid to memory .
4 Care has to be taken with the adjacent values , which can not be obtained by reading off distances on the graph paper ; they must be obtained arithmetically .
5 For example , shareholdings divided in the proportion of 66% and 34% were found to constitute joint control , as a 34% shareholding represented a minority blocking vote and so important decisions had to be taken with the consent of this minority shareholder .
6 Care must be taken with the passenger 's replies as they will be hearsay unless in the driver 's presence .
7 Great care should be taken with the rock in this area until it has all washed clean and settled down again .
8 These letters themselves , with their references to women and his dependence upon them , should be taken with the facts of his first impulsive marriage and his second happy one : all the available evidence suggests that when he allowed his sexuality free access , when he was not struggling with his own demons , it was of a heterosexual kind .
9 Great care would be taken with the selection of personnel in order to ensure homogeneity in the organization 's reproduction .
10 15–9 " The meeting proceeded to take into consideration what steps should be taken with the view to electing a minister . "
11 In a rapidly changing business , how can crucial decisions on manpower be taken with the necessary speed and on a basis of fact ?
12 These holidays as with annual leave may be taken with the approval of the Board .
13 6 When the deadline arrives all the tenders should be taken with the list to :
14 Equal care must be taken with the knowledge systems that accompany such software .
15 Care should be taken with the phrase in square brackets in cl 9.1.2 of Precedent 1 .
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