Example sentences of "be see as part " in BNC.

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1 For this reason local taxes will always be seen as part of the national tax structure .
2 All the Bible readings , therefore , the quotations and claims and aspirations , could be seen as part of the religious boilerplate current in the Middle East : as current as lists of arms .
3 The ‘ law ’ of natural evolution or development , especially when popularized by Herbert Spencer and applied to society , was said to parallel traditional Christian reliance on Divine Providence and meant that the expansion of Nonconformity at home and the extraordinary growth of British power and influence abroad could be seen as part of the same phenomenon .
4 These changing attitudes can be seen as part of the general reaction against the older voluntarism .
5 In the event , the CEP evidence was eventually given by the individuals responsible under the banner of the then Cornwall-based campaigner George Pritchard , although it would undoubtedly have helped its status to be seen as part of the local councils ' case .
6 So they have to be seen as part of a larger whole within which they can somehow be related .
7 Although this chapter focuses on the key features of Local Management of Schools ( LMS ) as described in the Act and DES Circular 7/88 , these four elements should be seen as part of a coherent government package designed explicitly to improve the quality of education by reinforcing the accountability and responsiveness of schools and their local education authorities ( LEAs ) .
8 Local political activity came to be seen as part and parcel of changes taking place within capitalist society as a whole , especially within the capitalist state as it attempts to manage and transform a social and economic system in profound crisis .
9 Search unemployment can be seen as part of the annual turnover of the job market — firms rid themselves of workers who have proved to be unproductive or unsatisfactory in some way , and workers quit jobs which have failed to meet their expectations or which were intended only as stop-gaps in the first place .
10 As the congregation draws near to God the expectation is to hear his voice , and this should be seen as part of intimate worship .
11 Musical flair alone has n't been the reason why the jazz poets/warriors have hit the ground running , it always helps to be seen as part of a fashionable movement .
12 The decision to accuse with serious crimes the Rathcoole UDA officers held in Long Kesh can be seen as part of the NIO 's strategy for forestalling a general strike confrontation with the combined physical force and political wings of loyalism in the context of the coming constitutional convention .
13 The bids for Rowntree may be seen as part of a growing trend towards globalisation in world markets .
14 This spread of home ownership may be seen as part of the drive towards establishing a capital-owning democracy or popular capitalism ( refer to Chapter 5 ) .
15 It indicates her willingness to be the dutiful wife yet refusal to be seen as part of a united couple .
16 In this way much of the movement of exotic items which can be traced archaeologically , can be seen as part of a system of ceremonial exchange in the formation of alliances , that is used by the heads of lineages for important political and social transactions .
17 The overseas economy of Kent was the most developed in early Anglo-Saxon England ; so strong is this overseas flavour of the Kentish economy and its society ; that it can almost be seen as part of the Continent rather than the rest of England at this time .
18 Training must be seen as part of a wider programme of change and development of the institution as a whole .
19 I do n't really want to be seen as part of the team and it 's not because I do n't like them — they 're all nice people — it 's just that I do n't want to be The Word 's latest wanker .
20 Alongside the drawings will be displayed examples of metalwork and silverwork by architect/designers such as Adam and Kent , while the project is intended to be seen as part of a conceptual whole with the recently-opened ornament and twentieth-century galleries , as well as with the Lloyd Wright display .
21 If that is true , Mr Robertson 's proposal can be seen as part of a grander drama : the battle for control of the Forest Service 's soul .
22 Rather than being seen as partners in the search for a solution parents may be seen as part of the problem ( Moses and Croll 1987 , Wood 1988 ) .
23 In this paper the unfairness of this professional attitude is argued and encouragement given to the need for residential care to be seen as part of a continuum of services for children in care .
24 The press reporting of rape can be seen as part of the sexual titillation increasingly being employed to sell newspapers in a tight market .
25 In general , however , the developments of BUF anti-semitism from a rather vague ideological formulation to a virulent political weapon has to be seen as part of the strategy of lining up fascist sentiments behind regional issues , which attracted popular attention in different localities .
26 This pragmatic shift in philosophy may be seen as part of a broader ‘ revolt against formalism ’ in the USA .
27 When viewed in this light Robert Summers 's thesis that the legal realist movement should best be seen as part of a tradition of ‘ pragmatic instrumentalism ’ in American jurisprudence seems basically correct .
28 There still remain three sites , all north-west of the Fosse Way — Alcester , Droitwich and Worcester , and these could be seen as part of the fortified road network round the rich agricultural lands of the Lower Avon .
29 If , as Parsons puts it , there can never be an id-impulse as such for the individual , since it must always be seen as part of the expressive symbolism of a common culture , then it is not possible to envisage the possibility of someone being in conflict with their society 's common culture .
30 In Wales , too , Gloucester can be seen as part of a wider court interest .
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