Example sentences of "be see as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While diesel cars will never be seen as road burners , they will go at least as fast as the ‘ cooking ’ versions of ordinary petrol-powered saloons and hatchbacks .
2 Even if Mr Lang decided on a form of franchising rather than the formation of privatised companies , that would be seen as privatisation by the back door .
3 Taken in isolation such a remark would not be significant , but in a speech which had mentioned the two institutions with which Stalin and Trotsky had been most closely associated , this reference to the Red Army must be seen as nudge and wink towards Trotsky .
4 The Group felt that the VG statement was too sweeping , and that the change in the balance between floristic and monographic research should not be seen as downgrading floristics .
5 This type has been taught not to show their feelings or emotions , for that would be seen as weakness .
6 Too many demotions would weaken morale further ; too few will be seen as weakness .
7 The component parts of communication can be seen as clarity of problem definition , completeness of information and clarity of problem understanding .
8 Data analysis is an iterative process : the final model will not be obtained until after a number of tries and this should not be seen as slowness , but care for accuracy .
9 Talking to a friend recently about this , I was shocked when she suggested that smacking our children might be seen as abuse .
10 In contrast , the sociological model outlined above , is also interested in why certain forms of behaviour come to be seen as abuse of children , and how certain individuals come to be labelled as child abusers .
11 Thus professionalism may be seen as expertise applied to and building up the relationship with the individual pupil , where a trusting relationship which can share information and build autonomy is seen as a goal .
12 The concept of exchange has often been used to describe support in families , and this can be seen as expression of mutual self-interest .
13 The plants that these animals dispersed may thus be seen as vegetable anachrorlisms and the introduction of horses and cattle in historical times seems to have locally restored the ranges of such trees as jicaro ( Crescentia alata , Bignoniaceae ) and guanacaste ( Enterolobium cyclocarpum , Leguminosae ) , which may fall in this category .
14 Back should be seen as back .
15 The capitulation of the General Council on the 12 May , and its decision to call off the strike without any guarantees that those involved would not be victimized , might also be seen as evidence of failure .
16 The extension of ‘ privatization ’ could be seen as evidence for structural change — a ‘ rolling back ’ of the state .
17 It has been suggested that learner errors can be seen as evidence of learner achievement .
18 From outside the Carter camp it could be seen as evidence that the twosome are having trouble finding new songs .
19 If they then still chose to seek engineering jobs , this could be seen as evidence of commitment .
20 While the legislation is clearly to be seen as evidence of a government 's entitlement to legislate in connection with a national responsibility , it is also interpretable as evidence of the government 's impatience with local authorities .
21 They may be seen as evidence of the insidious creep of sport climbing ethics into the mountains , but used sparingly they eliminate an unwanted and unnecessary risk and cause less visual intrusion .
22 All this suggests that the institutions of more stable family patterns should not be seen as evidence of the success of an effort at ‘ social control ’ .
23 Many examples of animal behaviour can be seen as evidence supporting the assertion , ‘ Animals are designed so as best to fulfil the function for which they were intended ’ .
24 This could be seen as evidence that there is a level of automatic syntactic processing which is not always used in sentence comprehension .
25 Although this could be seen as evidence that subjective risk was not present for this subject , it could equally be regarded as a self presentational bias on the part of the subject who may have felt that feeling risk would imply dangerous driving .
26 If we are not to infer from Anderson 's breach of Grice 's Co-operative Principle that he is deliberately being rude ( unlikely , when McKendrick is a complete stranger to him ) then it is most likely to be seen as evidence of his vagueness or , less favourably , his self-centredness .
27 For the purposes of this book , just two assertions will have to content us : first , some works have been intended by their makers to be seen as art ; second , there is a consensus today that other works are to be described as art .
28 The standard of the bishop of Tours 's Latin used to be seen as ruling out this possibility .
29 This last point was still valid two centuries later , as referred to in a report by the governor of the Varaždin district in 1737 : ‘ diese granitz nicht allein als ein antemurale contra Turcam , sed etiam contra Hungarum in casu rebellionis anzusehen ist ’ ( 'this frontier is not only a defensive outwork against the Turk , but can also be seen as protection in case of rebellion in Hungary' ) .
30 For this reason local taxes will always be seen as part of the national tax structure .
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