Example sentences of "be leave the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The simplest option may be to leave the debt outstanding , extend the payment terms , and take new security or a variation of security .
2 Be sure to remember how poor lay reasoning about causation is : not to even try to collect the data required to test a hypothesis about the relationship between smoking and lung cancer would be to leave the doors open only to those who jump to conclusions on the basis of a sample of one .
3 Yeah My preferred option would be to leave the chap at home with the baby .
4 Under the trust route the widow will be left the £1M of non-qualifying assets and will use them to " buy " ( by way of exchange ) the qualifying assets ( which she must hold for the requisite two years ( before death ) ) .
5 The Law Society advises that the following information might properly be given : ( 1 ) notification that the partner concerned will be leaving the firm on a specified date .
6 The J94 lookalike has been hired to provide additional loco support for the SDR after problems were encountered with Chatterly Whitfield Mining Museum visitor ‘ Joseph ’ which will be leaving the SDR during the 1992 season .
7 Large numbers of Kuwaitis were reported to be leaving the country during March because of the high level of pollution caused by the fires .
8 Considerable work has been done on arrangements , not only for accommodation but for the resettlement of those who will be leaving the service in the course of the rundown .
9 I intended to resign at the A.G.M. due to the fact that I expect to be leaving the London area before the next A.G.M. but since no-one else wanted the job I agreed to remain chairman for as long as I could .
10 Due to the publication schedule of ‘ Contact ’ I am actually writing this before the AGM , so I ca n't say anything more about it except that I intend to resign at it , due to the fact that I expect to be leaving the London area , so this will be the last time you will hear about London Branch from me .
11 I regret that for geographical and personal reasons I am not eligible for re-election and shall be leaving the committee altogether .
12 Perhaps if we fed our children on some solid doctrine and not gimmicks they would not be leaving the Church in such numbers .
13 Margaret will shortly be leaving the company for one year 's travelling experience in Australia .
14 Scottish Television 's Head of Programmes , David Scott , has announced that he 'll be leaving the company in January .
15 Once we 're married , she 'll be leaving the company .
16 She would in fact be taking over from a male contracts officer who would be leaving the company in four months ' time .
17 The end came when Edward 's royal standard was seen to be leaving the field .
18 Yachts arriving with passengers , or those crew who will be leaving the Canaries by air , must visit the immigration office in the port authority building within the port compound .
19 Sara Jones , speaking at the launch of the Royal British Legion 's poppy appeal , said she wanted to send a message of support to servicemen who would be leaving the services under the Government 's Options for Change programme .
20 ‘ Will you be leaving the forest when Nahum and his family go ? ’
21 Football , and speculation is mounting that Oxford United 's new manager could soon be leaving the club just six weeks after he was appointed .
22 Disadvantages : Difficult to get character references , so you 'll have to rely on your own judgement ; you 'll be leaving the children with people you do n't know very well , although if you get a regular commitment you should soon get to know and trust your sitters .
23 The right hon. Member for Worcester will be leaving the House at the end of this Parliament , and I wish him well .
24 It is not because I am not interested in timetabling — although it is too late now , as I shall be leaving the House shortly .
25 Albert Pacey will be leaving the county at a time when there are two unsolved murders , the crime rate is soaring and there 's a staffing crisis .
26 Everyone has been asking this questions since it was announced that Holiday '91 Presenter Anne Gregg will be leaving the programme later this month at her BBC bosses ' request .
27 Father Allen said that he would be leaving the Shrine at the end of the year but hopefully another Marist Father would welcome us all again next year .
28 When Ian Martin first announced to the world that he would be leaving the post of secretary general , there were few among us who could believe it .
29 As the task force made its slow way towards the Falklands exclusion zone , hostilities began in earnest on 2 May when a torpedo from a British nuclear-powered submarine sank the Argentine cruiser , General Belgrano , with the loss of 360 lives ; it was a highly suspicious episode , since the Belgrano appeared to be leaving the exclusion zone and heading back to Argentina at the time .
30 Some form of automatic operation is vital if you 'll be leaving the greenhouse unattended for any length of time .
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