Example sentences of "be leave to the " in BNC.

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1 Being able to land safely in fields should be one of the ultimate aims in glider pilot training and it should not be left to the pilot to decide for himself when he is competent to fly across country .
2 Contrary to declarations that there was no government policy for sterling and that it would be left to the markets to decide , by late 1981 the government intervened to reverse a fall in the exchange rate , and raised base rate to 16 per cent .
3 In 1947 Britain and the US said the matter should be left to the Italian courts .
4 Conclusions about criminal or other responsibility should be left to the police or regulatory bodies such as the Bank of England to decide .
5 One suggestion was that discretion should be left to the doctors and that they should tick a box if they wanted the generic drug .
6 The European operation is too damned big a slice of the corporate business to be left to the locals .
7 The Homicide Act 1957 deprived judges of their power to give authoritative rulings on the sufficiency of provocation , and the question must now be left to the jury , which should apply the test of the ‘ reasonable man ’ to everything said or done before the killing which might amount to provocation .
8 In both these cases it was held that the alternative of a manslaughter verdict ought to be left to the jury where the occasion justifies action in self-defence , or to prevent a crime , or to apprehend an offender , but where the defendant acts beyond the necessity of that occasion .
9 It also rejected the Crown 's argument that the issue of consent should be left to the jury — in the same way as the question of dishonesty is left to them in theft cases — but its actual decision comes fairly close to this position .
10 Jiang responded by saying that in 1978 , Deng Xiaoping , then Vice-Premier , said that resolving this issue should be left to the wisdom of future generations .
11 ‘ The age at which she has the operation may be left to the woman .
12 But youth was too important a force in society to be left to the sometimes romantic , sometimes subversive trends of the multi-faceted ‘ Jugendbewegung ’ ( youth movement ) at the turn of the century .
13 He died in 1753 , in his ninety-third year , having made arrangements for his great collections , valued at £80,000 , to be left to the nation , on the condition that £20,000 be paid to his daughters .
14 Nothing would be a worse prescription for the future of the Community than for what are patently political matters to be left to the determination of the European Court , which is both unsuited and incapable of settling them .
15 Politics , like sex education , is something that should be left to the family . ’
16 Far too important to be left to the position dictated by historical accident or cultural prejudice .
17 David Eccles , the Minister of Education since 1959 , registered a growing public concern with the content of education — what was to be taught , and how , and to whom — and a spreading belief that such questions could no longer be left to the professionals .
18 Indeed it does , and it seems the job can not be left to the mere television reviewer either , for criticism soon leaked from the cultural pages to the overtly political ones , even reaching as far as the editorial sections of some newspapers .
19 They should be left to the knowledge workers who , we would hope , understand the full potential value of the information being transmitted to the executives who will make use of that information .
20 Indeed the identi-kit minister called ‘ God 's man ’ used to appear on the back cover of Life and Work in advertisements inviting legacies to be left to the Church and Ministry department , was aged about 60 and had white hair and a moustache .
21 If politicians came to the conclusion that education was too important to be left to the educators , bear in mind the massive input of public resources , education 's failure to demonstrate significant improvement of standards , poor marketing , uncertain professional leadership and the fact that every year youngsters leave school ignorant of much they might reasonably be expected to know and lacking skills that could have been acquired in 11 years of schooling .
22 In 1843 Mr Read of Crediton suggested attaching a farm to the College , where every kind of stock-farming , manuring , buying and selling , could occasionally be left to the judgment of the senior students .
23 These matters could be left to the two parties to agree as they arise , but the standard forms assume that prior agreement will lead to a smoother running project .
24 In fulfilment of this agreement a huge force , variously put at 15,000 and 30,000 men , had been assembled between Dunkirk and Boulogne , to follow up any initial success in a landing on the south or east coast , though the final choice of destination was to be left to the last moment , being largely dependent on the wind .
25 How to express approval can be left to the imagination .
26 We concluded that decisions about divorce should be left to the parties ( or just one party , if only one wants it ) .
27 It is anticipated that once Parliament has approved the general thrust of legislation , the rest can be left to the department to implement piecemeal as is appropriate and convenient .
28 Ideally the support of the bereaved should be a team effort , and the choice of captain of that team should be left to the widow herself , for she will need one special person to whom she can turn with confidence in any circumstance .
29 The Mid Shift button offers quite a marked change in tonality , and is something to be left to the taste of the individual and his/her guitar type .
30 Edward Pearce holding forth , telling us no one should get involved in politics but Edward Pearce — that it should be left to the ‘ experts ’ .
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