Example sentences of "be see [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What we might be seeing on the extreme right is not the last stages of antisemitism , but its continuation in a climate without Jewish issues , or , to be precise , without the son of Jewish issues which can mobilize the support which the extreme right seeks .
2 We wo n't be disturbed for an hour and a half at least — Kate 's out , and then she 'll be seeing to the meal .
3 Maeve would be seeing to the barns , ensuring stock was slaughtered , the meat dried , salted and hung high in the kitchen to smoke , preserving it for the long winter months .
4 ‘ I never thought I 'd be seeing in the New Year with Will Carling and company in Lanzarote .
5 And at whatever time of the year you visit Edinburgh , there are the art galleries and museums — though the priceless and vulnerable collection of Turner water-colours can only be seen for a short period in winter .
6 Corners can be cut on flowers and remember , the flowers at the reception are going to be seen for a longer time than those in the church .
7 This stand-alone receiver is the latest addition to the ap range and can be seen for the first time at the London Boat Show .
8 Thirty-six mosaics have been lent by the Jordanian government and will be seen for the first time in Britain .
9 But that same militant masculinity has to be seen for the contradictory and often conservative force that it is .
10 But this is a case where the stratigraphical wood can not be seen for the nomenclatural trees .
11 Then in the distance , the 6ft wave could be seen for the first time roaring up river at 10 mph .
12 But now five upstairs rooms have been restored , and can be seen for the first time .
13 He says that it can be seen for the next week or so in the west , but it 's too faint to be seen with the naked eye .
14 Do you know , the cobblestones could n't be seen for the blood which swilled like water ?
15 Well he does n't bother to mention that the king also had an official welcome at Carfax , which was the normal place , what was known as the Penniless Bench , which was at the end of St Martin 's Church , only the of that remains at the moment , now , erm and then was presented with the traditional gift of gloves by the mayor , and the not very generous sum of £520 , and just about the same time , Alderman Nixon and 12 others who agreed with him disappeared smartly from Oxford , and were n't to be seen for the rest of the war .
16 The generalised and longer-term values of the former are always likely to be seen to a disadvantage against the more immediate and more publicly ‘ acceptable ’ benefits of the latter .
17 Infection commonly occurs in children and infants , and the clinical progression of the disease is similar to syphilis when it is seen in the sporadic form ; the late manifestations , however , tend to be seen at a much younger age .
18 The world 's clearest sea water has been recorded in the Weddell Sea in early spring , clear enough for a Secchi disc to be seen at a depth of 79 m ( Gieskes et al . ,
19 He was established as a lecturer in natural philosophy at Edinburgh University for many years , but it was not until the age of fifty-eight that his first publication is recorded , when his work on the structure of crystals culminated in his report ‘ on a method of so far increasing the divergence of the two rays in a calcareous spar that only one image may be seen at a time ’ ( Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal , vol. vi , 1829 ) .
20 Products were shown individually and in room settings with the complete new collection showcased on the right-hand pages so that all the designs and colours could be seen at a glance .
21 Each time she finished a film , she would tell Mum the title and once it reached the cinema , Mrs Pilling was to be seen at every performance .
22 Art and sights straight out of the history books are to be seen at every turn , yet now these are modern cities too , alive with their own 20th century energy and enthusiasm .
23 But women always seemed to be in the majority and the proprietor and his wife , both of whom spoke excellent English and German , could be seen at every hour of the day advising parties of determined-looking women in sensible shoes how to get to St Peter 's or the Piazza Venezia or the English church , or which were the best shops to buy presents and souvenirs to take home .
24 It is this aspect of military style that is well worth studying for the precision with which a battalion of soldiers makes patterns such as can be seen at the British ceremony of ‘ Trooping the Colour ’ .
25 A similar air-war tracking table -with different symbols for British and German aircraft — can be seen at the Royal Observer Corps Museum in Winchester .
26 The oriel window shown in his earliest existing negative can be seen at the nearby Lacock Abbey .
27 Many features distinguish Wilson & Glick kitchens from others in a similar price bracket , making them exceptionally good value for money , as could be seen at the Ideal Home Exhibition which was even more successful ‘ the second time around ’ .
28 These and other impressive works from Cannes , including the new Kieslowski and Angelopoulos films , will be seen at the next London Festival .
29 A talented photographer who contributed regularly to THE FACE , his work can be seen at the National Portrait Gallery , London , from Nov 8-Jan 20 .
30 Her foul-mouthed old mother was also to be seen at the school ‘ meetings ’ , shouting about the bottoms , while children hurled abuse and insult and accusations at one another .
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