Example sentences of "be make between [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Member firms hold stock in accounts with the CGO and same-day transfers can be made between accounts on receipt of instructions via computer terminals .
2 A distinction may be made between assessment and evaluation .
3 Once completed the exercise enables comparison to be made between hospitals/specialties and thus the inequities in financial distribution to be identified .
4 According to the electoral platform of the CPD as regards political prisoners , a distinction would be made between prisoners of conscience and prisoners of violence , and those accused of " homicide , grievous bodily harm , kidnapping and child theft " would fit into the former category .
5 Nevertheless the Cuk converter topology seems likely to remain an outsider until a true trade-off comparison can be made between Cuk and Buck at a series of realistic equivalent performance levels , a task that would take a lot of time , but whose results would be of great interest to many in the power supply design field .
6 A distinction must be made between character dance and dances of character .
7 The sampling of companies both by direct means ( interview ) and indirect means ( questionnaire ) , firstly , enabled questions to be tested across cultural boundaries ; secondly , permitted a more accurate checking of findings ; and , thirdly , facilitated comparisons and generalisations to be made between Germany , Holland and the UK .
8 The response from the State Department came in a message dated the following day , 15 May [ KP 125 ] : " We believe that no distinction should be made between Chetniks and other dissident Yugoslav troops and that our position with respect to anti-partisan or dissident Yugoslav troops in general , in agreement with that of the British Foreign Office and in accordance with Macmillan 's recommendation , is clearly set forth in PEP TEL 424 , May 2 .
9 Choices can still be made between decision-making systems offering more or less opportunity for the involvement of workers in the design , planning and execution of production .
10 Some interesting comparisons can be made between RAF and USAF training methods .
11 So , leaving aside nonlinear outlay schedules until chapter 4 , how might a societal choice be made between value- and cost-based pricing ?
12 Held , allowing the appeal , there was an important distinction to be made between cases where the complainant claimed to recognise the assailant as a person he already knew well and those where the complainant had never seen the assailant before .
13 One of the earliest distinctions to be made between groups ( arising from the Hawthorne investigations ) was between formal and informal groups .
14 If the competing investments are similar , say a choice has to be made between proposals for new products in the same product range , the complexity of DCF methods may not be justified .
15 If the competing investments are similar , say a choice has to be made between proposals for new products in the same product range , the complexity of DCF methods may not be justified .
16 This affords an opportunity to study effects of unanticipated changes in rateable values and enables comparisons to be made between properties where rates have increased , reduced or remained static .
17 The distinction needs to be made between art therapists and occupational therapists , who have diagnostic and medical powers , and artists-in-residence , who do not .
18 This has the advantage of relating expenditure to sales , but it discourages innovative approaches to advertising expenditure and does not allow for distinctions to be made between products or sales territories .
19 For example , the following pair of programs have the same effect on the final state and so have the same normal form : unc There are important distinctions that need to be made between processes at the boundary between ( a ) and ( b ) .
20 A distinction must also be made between agroforestry and plantation forestry ; the former involves the integration of silviculture with agricultural systems while the latter is entirely given over to timber production .
21 A distinction can therefore be made between approaches to the study and application of geography that involve the analysis of systems on the one hand and the synthesis of facts and knowledge concerning sets of systems and related to particular places on the other .
22 On occasion arrangements would be made between governments , such as in the period 1632–47 when England and Spain agreed that large amounts of Spanish silver were to be coined at the mint of London , accounting for a high proportion of its output .
23 Her Majesty 's Government , by the mouth of the Queen 's chief minister , has announced that no distinction is henceforward to be made between universities and other places in which students of similar age and attainments seek instruction and qualifications .
24 On the day when a choice had to be made between ruin and reason , Pétain received promotion
25 1 ) The desirability to have a Partner in Residence in Scotland has a way of enabling meaningful contact to be made between supporters here and Partners overseas .
26 How can a distinction be made between trespassers of differing degrees of culpability , such as burglars and stray children ?
27 Comparisons will be made between organisations and over time , analysing the different structures , procedures and techniques for performance management .
28 There is a distinction to be made between policy and arrangements made for its implementation .
29 The survey was repeated in November 1991 so that comparison could be made between summer and autumn attendance .
30 Comparisons will be made between children 's responses to spoken and written versions of the tasks , between their production and their comprehension of verb-phrase anaphora , and between age-groups .
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