Example sentences of "be make with the " in BNC.

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1 Excellent gains can be made with the minimum amount of equipment if you are determined .
2 Contact should be made with the nearest medical school of H.M. Inspector of Anatomy whose address may be obtained from London Anatomy Office , P.O. Box 915 , London W6 8RP ( South East England ) , or the H.M. Inspector of Anatomy at the Department of Health and Social Security , Eileen House , 80–94 Newington Causeway , London , SE1 6EF ( for the rest of England and Wales ) .
3 My choice had to be made with the greatest care and the most alert diagnostic skill .
4 The results of their work will be of considerable interest , and will permit important comparisons to be made with the late-glacial flora and vegetation of Skye ( Birks , 1973 ; Walker et al. , 1988 ) and Mull ( Lowe and Walker , 1986 ) .
5 A fuller reply to negative criticism of postmodernism , however , can be made with the further evidence of a brief survey of ways in which postmodernism has followed from modernism 's second area of innovation — chronology and structure .
6 But such compromises should be made with the larger goal always in view , rather than , as at present , as a consequence of the self-interested lobbying of powerful groups .
7 Comparison can be made with the responses in Almond and Verba 's survey , as shown in figure 13.1 .
8 These processes will be described in detail in the following sections so that comparisons can be made with the effects of predation described in Chapters 2 and 3 .
9 But if an alliance can not be made with the parents against what feels uncontrollably bad inside them , they may defect and identify with the ‘ bad ’ .
10 Members wished the annual Days of Recollection to continue at Madonna House and arrangement of suitable dates will be made with the Community .
11 All of your early hovering attempts will be made with the model in front of you and the tail pointing towards you ( Fig. 4.5 ) .
12 By now arranging things so that the blades go down to -½° to -2° when the throttle is fully closed , a landing approach can be made with the blades at zero , or slightly negative pitch , but still at a moderate throttle setting to give full control .
13 If the model is equipped with an autorotation freewheel , this may be used in conjunction with negative pitch to allow very steep descents to be made with the throttle fully closed .
14 This done , you are almost ready to take your first shots on video , but before you do , check first that you have the correct white balance setting for the lighting conditions so that the recording will be made with the true colour values .
15 Instead of kerosene-based hydrocarbon fuel , the chemists proposed that the supersonic ‘ dash ’ part of the flight profile should be made with the afterburners fed with ethyl borane , the new boron ‘ zip ’ fuel .
16 However , if the expatriate rents a furnished property and wishes to ship over certain items of furniture , such as a favourite dining table , arrangements may generally be made with the landlord so that any unwanted items of furniture are stored during the expatriate 's residence .
17 Consultation can be made with the advisory service for the visually handicapped and the ophthalmologist will then usually refer children to the low vision clinic in the region or to an ophthalmic optician who specialises in low vision aids .
18 When a public transport aircraft is involved , early contact will be made with the operator of the airline in order to obtain a complete picture of what the flight was intended to do — its point of origin , route and destination , the type of aircraft , numbers of crew and passengers , fuel load and aircraft weight on take-off .
19 Here an interesting comparison can be made with the position of Rosemary Ruether .
20 Advance arrangements should be made with the Manager before arrival .
21 A further finishing touch can be made with the flat plate used to test the saw setting angles , turned to form a lid .
22 An analogy can be made with the push-down stack of plates in a cafeteria or ( as in the KDF9 manual ) with the magazine of a Sten gun .
23 However , since the essence of this form of enterprise is the relationship between the partners , to be successful business decisions must be made with the consensus of all partners .
24 Such an application can only be made with the leave of the court , and the court may only grant leave if it is satisfied , inter alia , that ‘ there is reasonable cause to believe that if the court 's inherent jurisdiction is not exercised with respect to the child he is likely to suffer significant harm : ’ see section 100(3) and ( 4 ) ( b ) .
25 Though generally overlooked , as in the above quote , links can also be made with the struggles and arguments pursued within the disability movement , including the establishment of a social definition of disability as a social status imposed by social barriers upon people with impairments and the rejection of stereotypes of ‘ dependency ’ and ‘ helplessness ’ .
26 Patients ' needs after discharge from hospital would be monitored ( separate arrangements would be made with the community health unit and hospital to assess referrals from those sources ) .
27 Under no circumstances should frequent elevator movements be made with the object of maintaining a constant indicated airspeed , height or rate-of-climb , as this technique may lead to severe low frequency oscillation in pitch .
28 It is the TSB 's intention to continue to develop techniques which permit decisions to be made with the minimum of risk .
29 She had somehow always thought that love should be made with the mind as well as the body .
30 Initial contact should be made with the local office of the Department of Health and Social Security .
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