Example sentences of "be make at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Upper Halling had its own ice cream made at the Black Boy by Jesse Crowhurst and Ernie Pankhurst , this would be made at weekends then loaded on to a hand card and pushed either up to Red Kill or to Birling Bank , where they would sell approx. 5–6 gallons on a Sunday .
2 A gamble or a bet or wager was a way of life to the men of the village , and often a wager would be made at work or whilst drinking in the local .
3 SAVINGS can be made at Safeway with Somerfield Sultanas £1.25 instead of £1.45 .
4 She does n't linger too long , for there are preparations to be made at home .
5 Dinners for children under school age where provision can not satisfactorily be made at home .
6 Undergravel filters must just about be the most versatile type of filter that can be made at home .
7 John Innes compost can be made at home , according to the following formula :
8 For Lenin firms had to move overseas because this was the only way they could guarantee the cheap raw materials and the effective demand for their commodities once international competition had increased and the costs of innovation had reduced the rate of profits to be made at home .
9 Cake boards or cards could be made at home from thick card and foil .
10 Supply flights had to be made at night ; the aircraft had no radar or proper navigation equipment , could not get information even about the weather , and had to find drop zones in thick jungle by the light or smoke of bonfires .
11 Given that there is a living to be made at night , and given that alternative daytime trades are thoroughly occupied , natural selection has favoured bats that make a go of the night-hunting trade .
12 Such arrangements tend to be made at board or director level and are usually entered into when there is a financial link between the companies , such as companies within the same group of companies ( sometimes referred to as intergroup trading ) or between companies whose directors simply want to formalise an arrangement to purchase as much of each other 's products as possible .
13 Purchases of tokens ( £1 or sometimes £5 minimum ) can be made at electricity showrooms or offices .
14 During early 1990 $297m worth of securities were stolen from a City messenger and whilst a general alert went out should any unusual presentations for payment be made at maturity to minimise the risk of loss , it is nevertheless true that this kind of occurrence causes a certain difficulty due to the fact that invariably the instruments in question are bearer instruments .
15 A spokeswoman for New Careers said no comment could be made at present .
16 A spokeswoman for New Careers said no comment could be made at present .
17 This is the mental adjustment that has to be made at Verdon — you start your route with several hundred metres already below you , but once you rationalise this it 's just a steep , very solid crag !
18 Assessment can not be made at birth because antibodies to HIV from the mother cross the placenta , and though these would be detected in an HIV antibody test , it would not show whether the baby itself was infected .
19 ( 2 ) to be made at intervals of one year after the provisional grant was made .
20 This week Rover is officially launching its new executive car which will be made at Cowley .
21 The successful Rover eight hundred range will be made at Cowley 's North Works .
22 Increasingly , it is this type of study , rather than more expensive excavation , which is allowing new discoveries to be made at Pompeii .
23 The appointment will be made at Study Director level and as such carries responsibilities for planning , negotiation , execution and reporting of these studies .
24 Nippon Steel Corp has now reached agreement for Hitachi Ltd to transfer to it the technology to manufacture 4M-bit memory chips : the chips will be made at NMB Semiconductor Ltd , which will become Nippon Steel Semiconductor Corp when the steel company acquires the Minebea Co unit later this month ; Hitachi will take some of the parts and sell them under its own name ; Nippon Steel says it has already concluded similar agreements with Intel Corp and Sony Corp on production of other types of memory chip .
25 They used to be made at Mr King 's in Station Street .
26 They were in the air for just under 12 hours and were so short of fuel upon their return , an emergency landing had to be made at Ludham .
27 In either case , a prolonged stop should be made at Steinam-Rhein , for this is something special .
28 Instead of using the traditional patch in the machine code , the user can switch to an editor in another ‘ window ’ to allow the changes to be made at source .
29 If approaching from Kirkby Stephen , as is usual , a halt should be made at Stenkrith Bridge for a look over the parapets at the River Eden below , thrashing a passage through a deep limestone gorge .
30 The changes also anticipate many of the demands which were expected to be made at opposition rallies tomorrow in Sofia and the provinces where calls are expected for the resignation of many of the figures ousted yesterday .
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