Example sentences of "be make the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 now my Lord , your Lordship would of seen from the case and now from the continental television case , both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal , that where a reference is to be made the court that is marking the reference , if , what is sort to be done is either to challenge a British statute or in the case of er , er the red hot Dutch case , of course with the statute , er something which er it involves a ministerial decision , but in either of those instances the court has got to decide in the interim whether or not the statute or measure should remain in force and there is the priority of public policy as indicated in er Lord er speech referred to both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal in continental television in er maintaining the law in force and a , a bonus has to be faced by the person seeking discipline from the law to show us a sufficiently strong case to justify the er , er , the suspension of the law in the interim .
2 Now my Lord , your Lordship would of seen from , in fact the same case , and now from the continental television case , both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal , that where a reference is to be made the court that is making the reference , it what is sort to be done is either to challenge a British statute or in the case of er , er the red hot Dutch case , in fact the terms were caused in the statute er something which in involves a ministerial decision , but in either of those instances the court has got to decide in the interim whether or not the statute or measure should remain in force and there is the priority of public policy as indicated in er Lord er speech referred to both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal in continental television in maintaining the law in force and a , a bonus has to be faced by the person seeking discipline the law to show us the simply strong case to justify the er , er the suspension of the law in the interim .
3 Education performs political , social , as well as economic functions and it is thus too important to be made the slave to the needs of the economy even though it has no option but to be its servant .
4 At least she would n't be made the doxy of this fearful black and white slug .
5 If an order of rectification is to be made the case must be brought within at least one of paragraphs ( a ) to ( h ) of section 82(1) .
6 It was recommended that energy conservation be made the responsibility of the Department of the Environment , and that the government 's Energy Efficiency Office be taken out of control of the Department of Energy and made an independent agency .
7 He says they should be made the responsibility of the Home Office instead .
8 Most of these poets whose labour was fairly specialized were conscious of an occupational identity which could be made the subject of verse .
9 Although supervision was the most common form of disposal in truancy cases under section 1(2) ( e ) ( and may become even more standard practice under the Children Act 1989 ) , the practice adopted in Leeds magistrates ' court of adjourning such proceedings as a threat to the parents to improve the child 's attendance or else the child might be made the subject of an order , was claimed to be more effective as well as reducing overall levels of local juvenile delinquency .
10 It would be obviously undesirable that such matters should be made the subject of evidence in a Court of law or otherwise discussed in public . ’
11 Where the principle object of a Bill was money , it was formerly the practice for it to be made the subject of a debate in the Commons upon a resolution before the Bill was read a first time .
12 This provides that the terms of a contract with a sole member/director must either be set out in a written memorandum or be made the subject of a report to the next available board meeting and recorded in the board minutes .
13 The plaintiff argued that it was not therefore open to the Revenue to seek an alteration of the existing assessments , because any information supplied in compliance with a s 17 , FA 1975 notice had to be made the subject of a new or further assessment .
14 In the latter case , they could be made the subject of a Mental Health Order , but there is little precedent for so doing .
15 He believed also that the monastic community at Canterbury with a primatial archbishop at its head was the source of order throughout the whole huge area of the archbishop 's primatial authority ; he thought too that this was part of an unchanging order of things , which should not be made the subject of political bargaining either with the pope or the king .
16 added , however , that the offers of accommodation which were expected to be made pursuant to the resolution of the local authority could ‘ be made the subject of fresh proceedings under Order 53 or by way of writ , as the recipients may be advised by counsel . ’
17 The Director General of Fair Trading has indicated that joint ventures can be made the subject of a direction ( under section 21(2) of the Act ) by the Secretary of State to the Director General not to take proceedings before the Court .
18 This is all the more necessary because , although some facilitating devices such as information agreements may be made the subject of prohibitions , the majority of them appear to escape these .
19 We are arguing , on the basis of what actually happens in classrooms , that a purist adherence to any methodological orthodoxy can generate considerable problems , that these need to be addressed openly , and that in any event the notion that the act of teaching can be made the subject of procedural mandates is suspect and unrealistic .
20 Where a surgeon has been brought in ‘ at the last minute ’ to prepare a Medical Report then his opinion and Report can always be made the subject of valid criticism in the event of being compared with the Report and opinion of a surgeon who has consistently treated and/or prepared Reports on a claimant over a lengthy period of time .
21 Certain other rights , such as the right to inspect the register of trade union members , can be made the subject of a complaint to the Certification Officer .
22 Accurate reports of certain public occasions are " privileged " — which is to say that any defamatory statements arising from them can not be made the subject of a successful libel action .
23 The English nation , wrote the parliamentarian soldier Walter Blith , ‘ might be made the paradise of the World , if we can but bring ingenuity into fashion . ’
24 You 're not on , we will not be made the scapegoats , with public sector workers will not pay for the Tories ' mismanagement of the economy .
25 ‘ But before the payment could be made the owner of The Mail on Sunday , Lord Rothermere , issued a directive that no money should be paid to criminals or their families .
26 The peasant wanted to crown his legend and by his word be made the Empire .
27 Texts can be put to many uses : a ) Extracts from texts can be made the basis of language learning dialogues and drills .
28 In addition , we saw that if Christianity was to be made the source of values this would create a logical inconsistency in Professor Hayek 's defence of the spontaneous order .
29 If a libel is extremely serious , to the extent that a court is prepared to hold that it can not be compensated by money and deserves to be punished as a crime , its publisher may be made the target of a prosecution .
30 So I think it is a matter of erm importance for the structure plan its inclusion er and I think to put the an answer to one of the questions that was put earlier , if it is not to be left to the district to decide on where development is or is not appropriate in open countryside as defined in the structure plan policy , who it is intended could be making the decision on where development would be appropriate .
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