Example sentences of "be do in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , it can be done in a language with which many EW + WW readers will be totally familiar .
2 But to have to allow it to be done in a strange place was impossible .
3 The format of the church funeral service allows this to be done in a recognized , public , orderly and time-limited way .
4 Not only giving injections , but even branding horses can be done in a calm , easy , and reassuring way so that the horse is not upset .
5 Some months ago I suggested that this could be done in a new version of Question Time .
6 These courses could not be done in a shorter time so they were normally arranged for a time of year when there was less pressure of work on those participating .
7 It insists , however , that that will be done in a constitutional framework which allows everyone an equal chance to endorse any conception of the good and to realize it .
8 This should be done in a way that enables cleaning to be efficient without interfering .
9 Out-patient treatment may be done in a hospital , clinic , private practice or at the patient 's home .
10 It was made clear to us that Operation ‘ Brisket ’ for the road haulage dispute , ‘ Bittern ’ for the rapidly growing ambulance drivers ' dispute , and ‘ Nimrod ’ in the case of the water workers ' action , were all long on detailed planning , but short on how much could actually be done in a major dispute .
11 It is hoped that discussion of the problems faced by attempted suicide patients and the factors which should be kept in mind during their assessment will have left the reader in no doubt as to the crucial nature of the assessment procedure for such patients and the need for it to be done in a careful way by staff who have been appropriately trained .
12 This must , however , be done in a realistic and sensible way , the demands of the ward being balanced with the needs of the learner .
13 8 Sunday settled this book and wrote letter — 24 plates done with the first ground in 32 days — I think when the days get long — one of these plates may be done in a day …
14 ‘ Church planting in Britain must be done in a densely packed denominational shrubbery , ’ comments veteran missionary Michael Griffiths .
15 Any breeding of fish must be done in a separate spawning tank to avoid this problem , as well as the only means of saving the fry .
16 The secret is to arrange the stripes so that they do not appear to be in regular order and this can be done in a number of ways .
17 You know what can be done in a novel .
18 Working with carers and helpers can be done in a task-centred way , helping to partialise the difficulties and problems they may be facing , to find a solution bit by bit .
19 I always say it will be done in a fortnight ; this gives me more leeway if things go wrong and if I get the garment finished before the two weeks are up the person is usually delighted .
20 Fuller justice to these topics , as well as the ape language experiments and various glottogonic theories , is to be done in a longer study . )
21 This can be done in a variety of ways , but researchers are unanimous that it is essential to write up the events of a day before going to bed at night , or , at the very latest , the following morning .
22 Growing sugar and preparing it for shipping to London was harder work than growing and curing tobacco , and a much larger labour force was needed for the process of harvesting the cane and crushing it which had to be done in a very short period of time .
23 The seeking of business success is far too difficult and serious a matter to be done in a cosy way .
24 This is why it is so important that one 's initial analysis of the strengths of the company be done in a very clear-minded and thorough way .
25 Unlike many jobs , housework can often be done in a very short space of time without actually failing to be done at all .
26 This should be done in a way that will encourage primary care practitioners and their hospital based colleagues to collaborate on patient management .
27 For manipulations on 9th day or older embryos , which have to be done in a Petri dish it is necessary to introduce two bends over a microburner , similar to those described for solid needles ( Table 13 ) , although the exact angle of the bends will depend on how the micromanipulator is set up ( Figure 8 ) .
28 There are a number of clerical jobs to be done in a media department as well ; a newcomer will have to do them , and they can be a useful way to learn the job .
29 If a fuller search is deemed necessary , it must be done in a suitable place by an officer of the same sex and unless the suspect consents to accompany the officer , he must first be arrested .
30 It 'll be done in a minute . "
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