Example sentences of "be with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You and I and Henry will be with the Minister at the Select Committee all afternoon , and we 'll have to be on call to brief all morning .
2 Therefore schemes need to be submitted seven months before the date of the examination ( eg. for centres working within an academic year and holding examinations in mid-June , assessment schedules and examination papers should be with HCIMA by mid-November in order to be agreed , or revised as required , and an approved edition to be with the centre by mid-February ) .
3 ‘ Should n't you be with the rest of your team ? ’
4 He did n't even want to be with the harem . ’
5 The advent of a Labour government , and the dominance of America in post-war Europe , prompted a change of emphasis , and his abiding preoccupation came to be with the survival of European civilization itself .
6 Whether the son or daughter , which Cruise has said would be better than winning an Oscar , will be with the cou ple before Christmas is unclear .
7 If the relatives are able to go to the mortuary or viewing room and be with the person who has died for as long as they feel it to be necessary , then they are more able to start absorbing the fact of their loved one 's death , because again they have the evidence in front of them .
8 If you did n't then it may be with the person that borrowed the equipment .
9 His ( professional 's ) preoccupation must always be with the promotion of the interests of his client … ( 1968 , p.5 ) .
10 It 's quite possible that there are one or two old gentlemen , but when one wants to find a new operative , one really is looking for somebody to come in the trade who will be with the firm , all being well , for a number of years .
11 What the Commissioner will not do , however , is act as a go-between ; the contact with the union concerning resolution of disputes will be with the member , not the Commissioner .
12 However , our prayers will be with the Fellowship as you embark on this exciting period of change in the church .
13 When released from prison he shows how he relied on others , by needing to be with the church after release from prison rather than going off and licking his wounds by himself .
14 I went there then he wo n't be with the church I went to scramblers .
15 Tonight she would make love for the first time — and it would be with the man she loved .
16 He had to be with the Queen and so he rode off . ’
17 The King had been so glum on his arrival and then , suddenly , almost out of character even for him , his mood had changed to one of enjoyment , drinking deeply , boasting that he would be with the Queen before the night was out , then off riding into that terrible storm to his death on the top of Kinghorn Cliff .
18 The princes had no choice : William was required to be with the Queen at Christmas and neither woman would part him from his brother .
19 Can , can I make a suggestion to you on this point and that is that rather than worrying about the date of the document itself which makes sense just to put January or something like that , what you actually keep a careful record of and this can be with the issue and such like , is the date from which that procedure is required to be worked to , which would be the issue date as opposed to any date that it was typed or agreed or anything like that .
20 I ent ever hit a child and if I ever do it 'll be with the skin of me hand .
21 At first I could not devote so much time to the orchestra but by the early 1960s I was coming to a position where I was able to be with the orchestra a very great deal , working for eight or ten days at a time on concerts , records , and films .
22 It must be with the tail hanging lower than the nose .
23 If force was to be " used , it would be with the authorization of the full chain of command to Allied Forces Headquarters .
24 How could it be with the clown candidate Ross ‘ I 'm All Ears ’ Perot .
25 So too , I believe , it will be with the community charge . ’
26 Our last concern must be with the politics of economic development in West Belfast .
27 yeah , she wants to be with the science lab , yeah
28 ‘ Ideally , the first two rinses should be with the circulation water , then 0.5–1 litres of clean water can be used for the final rinse . ’
29 Please note that Susannah Harsanyi ( who was listed on the cast/crew list we sent you last week ) will not be with the party .
30 What is that , that 'll be with the solicitor when he 's , when he 's gone through everything I
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