Example sentences of "be the first [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first one on stage had to be the first off the coach that trundled them to and fro .
2 NME ca n't claim to be the first off the blocks with coverage of this splenetic musical bastard — that honour has to go to the now sadly defunct Sounds .
3 To be the first over the wall of a castle or town which was being stormed ; to be encamped close to the wall of a besieged city and thus within range of missiles fired from its walls , these were acts which merited honour and respect .
4 Looking at it and the bleak shore of Flotta beyond , the memories came flooding back : pink gins before Sunday lunch at twopence a throw ; dressing up as Tartars and Eskimos and Bedouins for Tribal parties ; cinema shows where the reels were laced up in the wrong order ; darts competitions in the wardroom flat ; early winter morning torpedo firings in the Flow , very dark and cold ; walks to Longhope for fresh eggs , or fishing for sea-trout in the bay ; piping the admiral as we passed the headquarters ship and eased our way down to Switha Gate bound for distant waters , the captain on the compass platform with cap at an angle , elbows on hips and gloved hands turned upwards , Spider beside him puffing smoke through a black holder and advising courses to steer ; and then , as the ship adjusted herself to the roll and rhythm of the sea , a last flashing message from the signal station at Hoxa Head ( now vandalized and abandoned ) , as it would be the first on our return , days or weeks later .
5 In so doing it suggested a small but distinct improvement on that model : the party-list vote should be the first on the ballot paper , not the second as it is in West Germany , and the constituency vote should come second instead of first .
6 " I tell you , Menina Sara , if that ship was going back to Ireland today , I would be the first on board ! "
7 The chapter is thought to be the first on this subject in a text of this type .
8 And , rather than allow Eldorado to be a drain on the Corporation for years to come , the show is expected to be the first on his hit list .
9 It is said to have the largest on-chip cache in the industry — two thirds of its 3.1m transistors are dedicated to the cache — and claims to be the first with complete on-chip multi-processing .
10 New Brighton has been the setting for seven British championship events , but next week 's spectacle will be the first with European involvement .
11 The wedding , inside the top security Maghaberry Prison in Co Antrim , is understood to be the first between loyalist and nationalist inmates .
12 THE general election in Spain on June 6th will be the first since 1979 in which the winner has not been known in advance .
13 It will also be the first since 1979 in which none of the parties is expected to gain an outright majority .
14 The drivers , flushed and cursing , each trying to be the first into the city and to have their wares ready for sale before the city came to life .
15 The Harvest Holiday , as the report suggested , would be introduced in late October and would be the first of a series of changes to age-hold British holiday customs .
16 He said it would be the first of a series of ventures which Gooding was discussing with Japanese companies , aimed at bringing research and technology to Britain rather than just final assembly of goods .
17 The key thing appeared to be that Delander had fitted it with double wheel or duplex escapement — and it could be the first of the rare group of his clocks that include the feature .
18 I come now to what will be the first of many simplicities which I shall offer to you this afternoon ; for I am sure you already realise from what you know of my speakings and writings — and it will be all the more painfully obvious in half an hour 's time — that I am incurably simpliste .
19 Lawyers said the action for disclosure of the name was believed to be the first of its kind in Britain .
20 If it is , maybe it will be the first of many .
21 During his period in England from 1831 to 1832 , in what was to be the first of several such sojourns , Louis-Napoleon met his uncle Joseph — only to be received with a glacial politeness and a lecture on his Italian escapade .
22 This was to be the first of three stages in a carefully planned development of the imperial role and power .
23 It will be the first of hundreds of fund raising events across the UK .
24 Hopefully , this car will be the first of the Centenary class , replacing the OMOs , and maintaining the regular service for many years to come !
25 The trees , they hope , will be the first of many which will benefit the Promise Appeal — an effort by the scouting movement to raise £10 million this year .
26 Send your answers by computer please ( or by post if you are in New Model Army ) to Thrills Moonwalker Competition And then be the first of two people out of the spangly hat .
27 Meanwhile , Seth Abraham , boss of big fight pay-masters Home Box Office , is due to fly into London to discuss terms for another contract with Lewis 's team , and a clash with Stewart in America could be the first of the new deal .
28 The military-style raid is believed to be the first of its kind in the white Cape Province settlement of King William 's Town .
29 East Anglian brewers Greene King have launched a manual on food hygiene believed to be the first of its kind in the brewing industry .
30 The city has potential , and I hope your feature will be the first of many to show a side of Belfast that is usually ignored .
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