Example sentences of "be [vb pp] in with " in BNC.

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1 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
2 When building timber steps , these treads can be filled in with compacted soil , finishing off with bark chippings .
3 Sparse eyebrows can be filled in with a sharpened eye pencil , but soften with a brush afterwards so there is no hard line .
4 The scratches could be filled in with wood-filler and stained to match , and then the veneer cleaned with wire wool and vinegar , he decided .
5 The form should be filled in with the completion time and date on the row{ Completed Date Time } below the row labelled{ 2 .
6 The form should be filled in with the completion time and date on the row } Completed Date Time{ below the row labelled } 2 .
7 The techniques of urban renewal remained to be filled in with regard to housing design and layout .
8 Sometimes the Pemberton Musks are listed separately , sometimes they may be listed in with Modern Shrub Roses as well as Hybrid Musks , or they may be listed in with it , which is all very confusing .
9 Sometimes the Pemberton Musks are listed separately , sometimes they may be listed in with Modern Shrub Roses as well as Hybrid Musks , or they may be listed in with it , which is all very confusing .
10 Some libraries want their own library group others are quite happy to be joined in with one or more libraries within the adjoining group and the constitution does in fact provide that investment wish what we have n't said what those who should be at maximum membership membership and to their claim will common sense not to make it too large otherwise it might turn out to be more than than sensible discussion among a reasonable amount of people but this but then to decide that equally to encourage them to ah find ways and means of the public other than library users who will be represented on the committee and to that .
11 No money from any of the manager 's other interests could be mixed in with this account , and the manager should not be allowed to borrow money from it .
12 But one idea going around is that French troops might be mixed in with brigades from Britain or other NATO countries on a multinational — ie , non-NATO — basis .
13 As soon as the eggs meet the hot fat , they will harden and the mushrooms could never be mixed in with them .
14 Here , we are concerned with the former , relaxed and floppy , with huge jackets as comfortable as cardigans and roomy trousers designed to be tugged in with a sturdy leather belt .
15 Additionally , because the bridle will be wrapped in with the kite , and handled frequently , it has to withstand more abuse than the kitelines .
16 He was not mad about slide shows himself , it was a wet day , the rich contributors had to be helped in with their umbrellas ; he was sceptical that North could do anything arresting .
17 This second phase of INDECS will be tied in with the computerisation of the Home Office 's confidential suspects index — a list of names which officers in the immigration service carry with them to check against the names on travellers ' passports .
18 sort of in conjunction with that , that has to go you know i has to be tied in with a bonus contract that suits the workforce .
19 But I I feel it should possibly be tied in with six , rather than being considered on its own .
20 It never does , it should never it should never be tied in with getting your own way .
21 The second issue — the risk that some good payers will be lumped in with bad payers , and treated like them , simply because they share some background characteristics with them — is discussed in chapter 5 , under ‘ Credit scoring ’ .
22 On the surface , Red Or Dead could be lumped in with all those old-school London names who used to show wacky creations and sell zilch .
23 Or is the program to be bound in with the hypertext , in such a fashion that the whole document becomes a metaprogram , which can be selectively ‘ executed ’ in a multitude of ways ?
24 But if we assume that such an appeal can be successfully made on the economic front , this strategy needs to be knitted in with a range of other policies that appeal to altruism as well as self-interest .
25 The main point , however , is that this alternative way of analysing profit seems to lend itself more naturally to business thinking and can be linked in with conceptual thinking about strategy .
26 If there are problems , le we could work them through together , but I think this is much more interesting to be , sort o I think to be linked in with an outside project like this , and just to be working away in isolation , and so we 'll feel our way experimentally .
27 And what the manifesto is , is trying to do is to er set an agenda for about how the lot of private homes can be improved , and er fixing rent is one thing which the government er traditionally has had a responsibility for and which needs , er must be linked in with conditions because what we have at the moment is a situation where you get , in Oxford , a er a family living in one room being charged er over two hundred pounds a week by an individual landlord , and that 's clearly unacceptable .
28 Added to the difficulty of implementing blanket controls are the following factors : few ports of entry have any animal holding facilities , making it impossible for animals to be kept back ; customs staff often do not have the necessary background to identify an endangered animal ; and containers can be difficult to examine and endangered species can be smuggled in with other animals .
29 Any gentleman intending to join was required to produce a lock of his own mistress 's pubic hair to be woven in with the original .
30 He was barely eighteen , he was to go on a tour of the fabled cities of England ; he was to be thrown in with chorus girls , drink with vagabonds of the stage , have the money for floozies and low bars , time to read and time to talk and be praised for doing this stage work which was not work at all .
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