Example sentences of "be [vb pp] into the " in BNC.

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1 The money that currently goes into forcing less-talented cricketers into retirement can be redirected into the purses of these cricketer' wives , who can thus get all the jobs done that their sporting husbands have not found time for .
2 Learners acquire a particular language by receiving comprehensible input , that is to say by being exposed to messages expressed in language which is within the current acquired competence of the learners , together with language which is due to appear in the next stage of acquisition , and which can be eased into the mind by the help of context , knowledge of the world and so on .
3 It is at this stage that a major computer study may be undertaken into the integrity of the proposed design , in terms of function , strength , economics , etc .
4 Lord , such a sight : the casket which held Becket 's body was encased in sheets of solid gold and , over the years , devout pilgrims had brought sapphires , diamonds , pearls and small rubies to be fastened into the goldwork as homage to the saint .
5 One , is there not a way in which your good tool could be perverted , and two , since this tool must inevitably be given into the hands of the people you despise for their aggressiveness and bad inheritance and rearing , how do you expect them to use it ?
6 His friend Max Jacob was just about to be received into the Catholic church when he became entangled in the affairs of Modi and Beatrice .
7 The Catholic Media Office said 2,094 made the formal request to be received into the Church at the cathedral services .
8 Aside from those who were involved in intellectual and political movements it was an open question how far mental health experts would be received into the bosom of the target population .
9 He might see the light and be received into the Faith . ’
10 Three adults who have been prepared by this group will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil .
11 On the back , quite without superficial decoration , the artist has concentrated on revealing the forms of the body , not adapted to a linear pattern but swelling in majestic simplicity under the smooth cloak which originally veiled the hair and falls almost to the ankles , held in the right hand and brought round under the left elbow to be tucked into the belt in front .
12 On beaches with mixed sand and shingle there is a tendency for the coarser material to be gathered into the cusps and for the finer material to form the bays .
13 Although the charge against Mr Guest was abandoned by the Crown , the appeal court ordered evidence to be heard into the circumstances of the granting of the warrant .
14 Elsewhere there was no need to set up special bodies , but it is clear that much local administration had in practice to be devolved into the hands of local men .
15 Injections should be placed into the apex of the sphincterotomy , avoiding the area around the pancreatic duct .
16 From 11.50 , it will be plunged into the election itself .
17 She was wheeled to the lift , with Belinda at her side , and it felt strange and yet very familiar to be plunged into the atmosphere of a large hospital again after four months away .
18 I then pointed out to him that I strongly deprecated a dissolution at this moment as I had implicit confidence in him and in the Conservative Party now in power , and I considered that as most countries in Europe , if not in the world , were in a chaotic and indeed dangerous state , it would be a pity if this country were to be plunged into the turmoil of a General Election on a question of domestic policy which will arouse all the old traditional bitterness of the hard fought battles between Protection and Free Trade : also that it was quite possible that his majority might be reduced , or that he might not get a majority at all .
19 It was a measure of the opacity of military affairs that , although no Zuwayi had any evidence of meetings , or of any disproportional conscription , most people thought it plausible that men might be pressed into the army because they were Zuwaya .
20 This task is made quite easy if you dampen the bread slightly so that it can be pressed into the shape you need .
21 It may relate to a packaging problem in which a fixed number of unrelated items have to be pressed into the smallest volume .
22 Between his speech which starts : and which ends : there comes a direct restatement and physical demonstration of the meretricious contract : Any aspect of his religious profession can be pressed into the service of his lechery .
23 It was several months before anything significant happened in Edward 's life — by which time he was so sick of the stagnant war that he would have been prepared to be parachuted into the heart of Germany wearing a kilt .
24 Suggesting how Britain 's future military strategy might be developed into the twenty-first century is the main purpose of this book on post-imperial Defence policy .
25 Then , coupled with the telecommunications advances that popularised wide area networks ( WANs ) by easing access to remote information sources ( such as private and public databases ) , the LAN helped provide the infrastructure necessary for the MIS to be developed into the executive information system ( EIS ) .
26 Now individual nations who 've decided to do without a particular item of equipment , clearly that will be developed into the aircraft and therefore they have the option to if they wish to d decide later on to fit it in .
27 Some 40 acres of the 147 acre park is to be developed into the new Lego World , a blend of education , entertainment , fantasy and child-sized reality .
28 As at every power station , some of the less radioactive of these are officially allowed to be discharged into the atmosphere and the sea .
29 Most local authorities insist on separate systems to reduce the volume intake at sewage works , since rainwater can be discharged into the nearest watercourse without treatment .
30 The energy thus captured by the atom will be discharged into the molecules that surround it .
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