Example sentences of "be [vb pp] up on " in BNC.

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1 The certificate of membership remains the property of the HCIMA and must be given up on resignation .
2 Terracotta pots should be propped up on small blocks to aid drainage and prevent ants infesting the compost .
3 She hardly ever read it herself now , preferring Alexandra to read it to her , but some mornings , when she felt stronger , she would be propped up on extra pillows and given the paper and her glass .
4 If it is the defining error or empiricism to assume that only statements meant to be checked up on deserve serious attention , it is the defining error or the new French criticism ( Foucault , Piaget , Barthes , Derrida and others ) to assume that because some statements can not be verified , no statements can , and hence that all statements rail to refer , leaving us with discourse — language without anchorage in time , psyche or history .
5 Aunt Sarah would be curled up on the sofa , in guernsey and old jeans , having chased Robin and Jenny out so that she could phone in peace .
6 A vertical window covering which can be rolled up on a spring-roller attachment , or drawn up by cords threaded through rings .
7 Tug felt the call to join her , to leap to his feet and let himself be carried up on the tide , into a high and heroic world .
8 The British Marathon Runners Club will be wound up on August 1 after 13 years .
9 The haulier should be aware of the circumstances in which he ( or his debtor ) may be wound up on a voluntary basis and the circumstances in which his company ( or his debtor 's ) may be wound up by the court .
10 He had no doubt that the case could be wound up on the strength of it .
11 ‘ Gorbrandt wanted Møn for the amber he knew could be picked up on our shores .
12 To be completely safe , he activated his automatic call-signal which would be picked up on the ground .
13 The people at the back may not be picked up on this so erm
14 If we went high enough to use a ‘ chute we 'd be picked up on radar immediately after taking off . ’
15 Now I 'm not for a mom , I 'm not for a moment suggesting that it 's something that would be picked up on a regular basis , but I think it does mean , as you rightly say , that er , if , if , if such a procedure does arise then I 'm conscious that I 'm in a one off situation , I know there 's at least one of our colleagues on our benches who has this on , with children on a more regular basis .
16 He says I 'm gon na be lifted up on the cross .
17 And just as everybody who looked to that serpent on the pole was healed , so I am gon na be lifted up on a cross and everybody who looks in faith to me , and in obedience receives my gift of forgiveness , they will be saved !
18 Polperro 's festivities fell five days later at St Peter 's Fair , and Quiller Couch beautifully described how a pile of tar barrels and wood would be built up on the beach for the entire village to gather around and see it lighted .
19 This is generally done in much the same way as a diagram would be built up on the screen .
20 This group also had to be made up on strict equal-opportunities lines , with the requisite number of minorities and women .
21 The pig would be hung up on a big strong hook and there was much to-ing and fro-ing with kettles of boiling water to help scrape off the bristles and extract the entrails .
22 At this point , an isolated plantation will be noticed up on the hillside to the left , and if it can be reached without damaging walls it should be .
23 When the statement had been issued , Mr Telford allowed his pistol to be hauled up on a rope .
24 In the present state of our knowledge of provincial life during the late Tsarist and early Soviet periods , no precise scale can as yet be drawn up on any single topic , let alone a general model that encompasses and balances all factors .
25 These map programs take a fair bit of work , and can not be drawn up on the launching ship ; the sailors load a ready-made map into the missile , and tell it how to get to the initial way-point .
26 The directors added that they had done so because ‘ this is the basis adopted in the accounts of the overseas subsidiaries ’ , and that the group accounts should be drawn up on the same basis in order to show a true and fair view .
27 thirdly , some principles of professional practice which may be drawn up on the basis of these discussions .
28 At the same time he said that new rules would be drawn up on the ownership of property , in preparation for the privatization of numerous state enterprises ; in this context he demanded a cut in bank interest rates , from a typical level of 50 per cent to around 20 per cent , so as to encourage private investment in industry , where he said that productivity had fallen by 10 per cent since the start of the year .
29 It can be drawn up on the basis of historic-cost book values , current-cost book values or market values .
30 ‘ Depending on the way nurse prescribing is introduced , there is a real danger that time saved may be used up on additional procedures .
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