Example sentences of "be [vb pp] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 If your invalid parent is admitted , however , and payments of the attendance allowance is withdrawn , your invalid care allowance will have to be withdrawn at the same time , and you should immediately notify the Invalid Care Allowance Unit , Department of Health and Social Security , North Fylde Central Offices , Norcross , Blackpool FY5 3TA .
2 Money Any blunders you make will be highlighted at the end of the month , so be extra careful , especially if you are in charge of other people 's cash .
3 The commonest complaint in males is that of non-specific urethritis ( NSU ) , and this can be diagnosed at the time of the first visit in the majority of cases .
4 Here , the therapist is looking for maladaptive coping strategies which can be altered at a later date in homework assignments .
5 In addition , some painkillers are ruled out ( such as epidural ) , because they take too long to administer and take effect , so your plans for your birth may have to be altered at the last minute .
6 A tenth of those questioned thought that Hitler was the greatest statesman of the century , whose true greatness would only be recognized at a later date , and a further 22 per cent thought that , while he had made ‘ some mistakes ’ he had nevertheless been an excellent head of State .
7 One is that animals memorize local landmarks and directions on their way out , and simply reverse the directions to find their way home ; a second is that the home site itself has some property that can be recognized at a distance .
8 But it must be recognized at the outset that as soon as sampling is carried out the statements made about the cases involved become probability statements .
9 It will be swift and sharp , and Spectrum Radio will be policed at every step . ’
10 Finally there may be a role for either haemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis , and cadaveric renal transplantation must not be forgotten , although assessment for such treatment can only be undertaken at a few specialist centres .
11 Even the duly authorised activities of the Simonova were going to be undertaken at a respectable distance .
12 some defect or deficiency in the site upon which the rebuilding or reinstatement is to take place [ would render the same impossible or would mean that the same could only be undertaken at a cost that would be unreasonable in all the circumstances ]
13 Instead , renewed global negotiations were to be undertaken at the United Nations despite the failure of previous negotiations to achieve any concrete results .
14 At the time the decision was that a review would be undertaken at the end of the conflict or ‘ in six months time ’ to look at the long-term future of the OCU .
15 In the rather broader context of a graduated test scheme , evidence of mastery would be needed so that ( i ) a pupil 's achievements could be informatively reported ( e.g. for certification ) , and ( ii ) to indicate readiness for further learning to be undertaken at the next level of a scheme .
16 / Analysis will be undertaken at the ‘ macro ’ ( whole city ) , ‘ meso ’ ( city centre , inner city suburbs ) and ‘ micro ’ ( individual street ) levels , noting impacts upon land use , land values and various other socio-economic indicators .
17 This inspection should then be repeated every ten years so that remedial treatment can be undertaken at an early stage if rotting is detected .
18 They will be fascinated at the incredible insects that he meets inside the Peach as it floats away over the ocean and delighted when the seagulls come to the rescue and James and the insects inside the Peach are carried away towards America for a hero 's reception .
19 They can be sacked If it 's less than two years they 've been working , they can be sacked at a weeks notice or whatever it is .
20 During conference debate on industrial law , Brenda Dean , general secretary of the print union Sogat , attacked Mr Maxwell over the treatment of over 100 workers at the Nuffield Press in Oxford who , she said , had to agree to individual contracts or be sacked at the end of the week .
21 A man might be sacked at an hour 's notice , perhaps after giving years of service , yet received no compensation , no redundancy payment .
22 In circumstances which must be explained at a later stage the appeal is before the Board both by leave of the Court of Appeal in Hong Kong and by special leave granted by the Board itself .
23 There are other ways of marking it , but it would always be explained at the beginning of a textbook or dictionary which system is used .
24 One more important aspect of using LIFESPAN which should be explained at the outset is that every module must have a charge code associated with it .
25 There is a form which once again will exp be explained at the er on the training course .
26 Any MacPaint format image , whether existing art or a scanned illustration , can now be traced at the click of a button .
27 The double zip allows you to roll the centre flap up from the bottom , to be fastened at the top or rolled down from the top for quick access .
28 However , managers put a lot of time , energy and commitment into their artist 's careers ( as well as a substantial financial investment ) , so it would be unfair for the manager to be dismissed at a moment 's notice , just because the artist fancied a change of management .
29 Although one might not realize it from some modern accounts , Measure for Measure is a comedy , and Angelo can be dismissed at the end to marry his contracted wife , since his hypocrisy had no evil effects .
30 Instruction should be given at a point of high motivation , as for example when the student wants to obtain information in connection with a particular project .
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