Example sentences of "be [vb pp] from the " in BNC.

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1 Cash can be withdrawn from the usual Midland Bank , NatWest , and TSB machines .
2 After calling for non-Muslim forces to be withdrawn from the Gulf , they cursed the Saudi Arabian government for inviting them there in the first place , and took a side-swipe at Israel for having occupied the West Bank in 1967 .
3 We are demanding that British , US , and other foreign troops be withdrawn from the Gulf immediately and that a peaceful solution be sought to the crisis .
4 I know of no authority for the proposition that an ordinary crime committed in the House of Commons would be withdrawn from the ordinary course of criminal justice .
5 Patients deteriorating to the point when renal dialysis is considered should be withdrawn from the transplant list .
6 Mothers of young children were to be withdrawn from the labour market to be supported by allowances from the state and by their more fully employed husbands .
7 Editor , — Albert Figueras and colleagues suggest that gangliosides can be withdrawn from the market because their efficacy is not clearly delineated .
8 Dexter 's strictures , about the need to make progress soon , because otherwise they would be withdrawn from the case , fizzed in her mind .
9 When it met officials from the Department of Trade and Industry last year to urge that areas of the seabed close to the coastline and islands of Wales be withdrawn from the licensing round it was only partially successful .
10 The Government 's official scientific advisers , the Joint Nature Conservation Committee , has recommended that many of the blocks currently being offered to oil companies should be withdrawn from the licensing round .
11 On March 26 Zorig , the MDU leader , called for all Soviet advisors to be withdrawn from the Ministry of Defence and Public Security and from the Planning Commission .
12 [ For announcement on Nov. 9 , 1989 , that all nuclear power stations would be withdrawn from the privatization programme see p. 37159 . ]
13 ( 2 ) Soviet forces were to be withdrawn from the former East German territory by the end of 1994 and governed by a separate bilateral treaty [ see below ] .
14 Under the accord ( i ) an immediate ceasefire was declared ; ( ii ) the state of emergency in Gao and Timbuktu provinces was lifted and army troops were to be withdrawn from the area ; ( iii ) an amnesty was granted to all Tuareg political prisoners ; ( iv ) internal autonomy was to be granted to the Adrar region ( i.e. Gao and Timbuktu ) ; and ( v ) additional state funds were to be allocated to the development of the region .
15 On Feb. 5 , 1991 , Secretary of State for Defence King announced that the United States nuclear submarine base at Holy Loch was to be closed and that the US F-111 bombers would be withdrawn from the Upper Heyford and Lakenheath bases [ see also p. 37704 ] .
16 Yeltsin announced to the Russian Supreme Soviet on Dec. 25 that all forces of the Russian Security and Internal Affairs Ministry were to be withdrawn from the Caucasus .
17 In an address to the Lithuanian Supreme Council ( parliament ) on Feb. 16 to mark the anniversary of Lithuanian Independence Day in 1918 , President Vytautas Landsbergis made a demand for former Soviet armed forces to be withdrawn from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad oblast ( region ) .
18 Russia had previously insisted that its troops could not be withdrawn from the Baltic states before 1997-99 because of the difficulties of housing returning servicemen .
19 Since a share is a financial claim on the firm 's real wealth in the form of its physical assets , the economic earnings of a share are defined as the maximum amount of real resources that can be withdrawn from the share and used for real consumption without impairing the ability of the share to deliver real consumption in the future .
20 Prof Jennett welcomed the recent court decision in England allowing feeding to be withdrawn from the Hillsborough football stadium disaster victim , Tony Bland , but added that further guidelines were needed .
21 Brim 's translation ‘ You will be smitten with the Egyptian dermatitis , characterized by swellings , dry crusts , and ulcers , from which you will never be healed , and the Lord shall smite you in the knees , and in the legs , with a sore botch that can not be healed from the sole of thy foot to the top of thy head ’ not only gives a description that would do very well for syphilis but also pre-empts the habit of the fifteenth-century Europeans of ascribing the disease to the enemy .
22 As Scotland 's footballing anti-heroes stagger from one notorious incident to another , a number of themes can be plucked from the debris .
23 Then the odd whitewashed marshland cottage stands strangely palpable , as if it could be plucked from the scene and held for ever .
24 The family living room is filled with bulkly materials which create dust and refuse , and often it stores dangerous glues and solvents and sharp instruments hwich have to be guarded from the children .
25 In addition , the legislature was to be altered from the existing bicameral system [ see pp. 38626-27 ] to a unicameral system , whereby the People 's Great Hural was to be directly elected by all citizens over 25 years old .
26 Until the 1988 Act , all a person had to do to gain copyright protection for a design was to make a drawing of the design in such a way that the design could be recognized from the drawing ( as long as the design did not relate to a spare part ) .
27 Any grain size estimation must be undertaken from the rock itself or from polished or thin sections of the rock .
28 These duties may be undertaken from the System Manager 's account if preferred .
29 This may not be desirable where the room is n't large enough to be partitioned from the stairs .
30 The judges ' deliberate promotion of the Second Empire can perhaps be explained from the standpoint of patronage .
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