Example sentences of "be [vb pp] from other " in BNC.

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1 Although Catholics are not cited in the Smolensk Archive with reference to the taking of church valuables , their activity can be traced from other sources .
2 If help can be given from other er national funds because of the moral and compassionate er nature of the case , well that 's fine , and that maybe what some Health Authorities have been pressing .
3 Good marketing means that time will have to be found to listen and respond to what others have to say , time and attention will need to be diverted from other activities .
4 The Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food has pledged more resources for the work , but these are likely to be diverted from other environmental imperatives .
5 For example , different aspects of a picture , a coin and an Egyptian mummy would need to be emphasised if they are to be distinguished from other objects of the same sort .
6 Organically grown produce is packaged so that it can be identified and so that it may be distinguished from other produce .
7 In addition , the ASB proposes that convertible bonds should be distinguished from other debts on the face of the balance sheet .
8 Though conflict of interest situations are diverse in form , they can , however , be distinguished from other types of market place misconduct such as bribery , embezzlement , fraud etc .
9 Other fans simply call them little kids , but they are to be distinguished from other ‘ little kids ’ in other areas of the ground .
10 The purpose in defining these three classes of organization was to consider the question ( Anthony , 1978 , p. 165 ) : ‘ How , if at all , would business organizations be distinguished from other organizations for the purposes of developing accounting concepts ? ’
11 Anthony 's purpose in offering the above categories was to help answer the following question : how , if at all , should business organizations be distinguished from other organisations for the purpose of setting accounting standards ?
12 O. anomala can easily be distinguished from other North Atlantic species of Ophacantha ( except O. nodosa Lyman ) because it has 6 arms .
13 O. bidentata can be distinguished from other Ophiacantha species by the form of the spinelets which are either rugose granules or trifid spinelets , the larger specimens usually having more abraded spinelets ; the arrangement of the oral papillae ; the shape of the oral shields which are basically rhombic although variable in shape ; and the texture of the arm spines which are finely rugose .
14 O. levis can be distinguished from other Ophiacantha species by the shape of the disk spinelets , large curved adoral shields , small pentagonal oral shield , wide ventral arm plates , and the shape of the ventral arm spines .
15 O. cordifera can be distinguished from other species by the contiguous radial shields , the pentagonal shape of the oral shield often with an acute proximal edge and the small pointed tentacle scale .
16 A. ingolfiana can be distinguished from other amphiurid genera and certain ophiurinids , to which it bears a superficial resemblance because of the superficial second oral tentacle pore , by the scaling of the disk , the arrangement of the oral plates , the lack of tentacle scales and the erect arm spines .
17 Any complex subjects which are not present in the scheme must be placed in a more general category where they can not be distinguished from other subjects .
18 It is possible for example that time-gap experiences simply reflect events which were so banal that they could not be distinguished from other memories for similar previous driving .
19 Fascism as a form of state needs to be distinguished from other authoritarian forms which are associated with particular stages in the development of capitalism .
20 Such volcanic island arcs must be distinguished from other volcanic chains , such as the Hawaiian Islands , which are located far from plate boundaries and have a different origin ( see Section 4.2.1 ) .
21 There is no doubt that the procedure has now itself become a form of dispute resolution , but it must be distinguished from other forms of dispute resolution .
22 BP is among the first major companies to adopt the standard which requires asset disposals and fundamental restructuring costs to be stripped from other components of the profit and loss account , implementing the new procedure for last year 's results ahead of the June 1993 deadline set for compliance .
23 Provision of skills-training in consultancy and personnel coaching/development can be arranged from other sources .
24 Initially , the Government accepted that the 5 per cent abatement would also be lifted from other short-term benefits when these became taxable .
25 Since the Aberfan disaster in 1966 , the law requires that overburden be separated from other waste , and the dumping technique produces a new shape .
26 Money for the repair of existing footpaths which are to be be retained , landscaping and street lighting would have to be sought from other sources .
27 Further , 25% of tutors ' fees were not grant-aided and thus had to be met from other sources principally donations , subscriptions and through appeals to branches , with some assistance from the National WEA when its own difficult financial position allowed , usually about £50 a year .
28 If the authority plans to spend more than this , the block grant is reduced and the extra costs of the expenditure have to be met from other service cuts or higher rates .
29 And , secondly , local economic strategies have shown that the economy can not be abstracted from other sets of relationships within society .
30 According to this , in a closed economy with full employment , the resources used for government expenditure must be drawn from other current uses of resources .
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