Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] to " in BNC.

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1 When no other funding was available , one or other of the wealthier members of the RCM could be relied upon to chip in a contribution .
2 They both knew that no timer could be relied upon to be that sensitive , that when he activated it , the chances were reasonable that it would detonate instantly — before he could throw it .
3 Boswell that even in the absence of an express undertaking the implied undertaking against using information for an improper or collateral purpose could be relied upon to the same effect .
4 For him the " prevailing intellectual climate " can not be relied upon to " complement and complete specialist training " ; nor can specialist training offer a " discipline " suited to developing the sense of " social responsibility " favoured by inter-war model of English studies , in its emphasis upon the past , has little to offer on those crucial " cultural " questions of quality of living , " human ends as well as means " , or on the relations between culture and economic processes .
5 By the 1960s , English literature could no longer simply be relied upon to spontaneously generate within students a sense of its self-evident value .
6 Well-intentioned though the dear soul undoubtedly was , Charlotte had hoped to avoid her , since they had not met since Maurice 's death and Mrs Mentiply could be relied upon to be as curious as she was sympathetic .
7 He certainly has not become an angel overnight , but his more extreme behaviour has been left behind and usually he can be relied upon to be helpful and co-operative .
8 Under pressure from government economic policies and spending cuts , the predisposition to rethink conventional provision is slight , except in so far as as competition for student numbers , effective teaching hours and fee-income intensifies the concentration on popular recreational and leisure pursuits , rather than innovative and developmental work in areas which can not be relied upon to be lucrative .
9 And a manager who can be relied upon to wisely invest the Marseilles Millions on established talent either locally , in the Republic or in Scotland .
10 Since HWIM 's acoustic-phonetic component can not be relied upon to correctly segment and label at the phonetic level , a number of alternative hypotheses have to be maintained to ensure that the right word has a chance of being considered .
11 I I think erm , that it can be looked at to , without H R T or looking at it medically , because lots of the women at Dean Terrace , in fact have
12 Questions of disposal or retention of finds may have to be done in to , plus the strictures of archaeology and museum .
13 Then our mothers would be prevailed upon to loan metal meat skewers with which to bore holes in the centres of the conkers .
14 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
15 Once specified , these problem behaviours can be talked about to the child and clear guidelines given about what is expected and what is going to happen if the child continues to misbehave .
16 A teacher could be called upon to be a lecturer to 120 children , fairly infrequently , on " lead lesson " lines : " a full-scale highly polished performance , carefully prepared , and using any necessary ancillary aids. " ( ibid ) He could be a seminar leader to a subsequent discussion or work group .
17 In industrial selling , the salesperson may be called upon to be an adviser or consultant who is required to provide solutions to problems .
18 Er , she says that she 's er , there 's absolutely nothing doing just at the moment , erm , but she says that she never knows the time when she will be called upon to you know , be asked to do a trip , but
19 Yet it is strange that the same evening Tutilo should be sent for to Longner .
20 At the same time the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 on commissions have been amended ; the minimum amount of solicitor 's commission that must be accounted for to a client has been doubled to £20 .
21 Deferred tax should be accounted for to the extent that it is probable that an asset or liability will arise .
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