Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Occasional breaks in routine were available , to be undertaken either as a sign of enthusiasm , or as a momentary release from tedium .
2 The trace-element fractionations can not , however , be explained simply as the product of small degrees of partial melting in areas of thicker lithosphere .
3 But whereas such poems are rare in earlier periods , in twelfth-century Europe they multiply so explosively that the phenomenon can not be explained merely as the reflection of a greater number of extant manuscripts .
4 The world has always looked to Britain for stability , inventiveness and general mental agility , yet our National Prestige is low , our currency is less than one third of its immediate post-war value against the dollar and can not be explained entirely as a result of market speculation .
5 Anyone who believes that Mr Chatrier 's remarks can be dismissed either as those of someone who has lost touch with reality , are also way off the mark .
6 But , importantly , they can not be ignored nor can they be dismissed easily as irrational fabrications .
7 Hall guides us through the far more tortuous path that led Newton to his discoveries and explains why not all his many critics can be dismissed simply as benighted traditionalists .
8 Within this model forces of determination are centripetal and linear ; all forms can be dismissed ultimately as the products of bourgeois ideology .
9 If the item is not too heavy or too expensive it can be given away as part of the press pack the journalists take away with them — but do remember to provide good strong carrier bags .
10 The Commander is best left separate from the tank so that he can be painted up as an individual model and put in or left out of the hatch as desired .
11 the set also includes Debussy 's famous orchestrations of the First and Third Gymnopèdies , two short pieces ( Les Pantins dansent and Chooses vues à droite et à gauche [ sans lunettes ] , the latter his only pieces for violin and piano ) and the reasonably well-known Scorate , whose last movement can be heard either as 22 minutes of timeless , hypnotic beauty or the nearest Satie came to a musical sleeping draught .
12 Inevitably , however , the teacher-training target had to be adjusted downwards as the DES successively announced cuts in teacher-training provision in England and Wales before , in July 1977 , it finally settled on 2,900 places .
13 As this will be Remembrance Sunday trains will be stopped briefly as a mark of respect and while a short ceremony and two minutes silence are observed at 11 am .
14 In the sociology of the 1960s and 1970s , as I noted in the Introduction , much attention was given , especially by those thinkers who can be regarded broadly as Marxist structuralists , to an analysis of the hidden ‘ logic of structures ’ , or ‘ structural causality ’ .
15 There is a danger in reading the classics , in that they can come to be regarded simply as literature — so always try to look at them as plays for performance — and , it goes without saying , try to see as much theatre as you can .
16 It should not be regarded simply as a means of preventing change ’ .
17 Cantors or animateurs could also have a place in those churches with a thriving musical tradition and they should not be regarded simply as emergency personnel .
18 The absence of politeness moves might , in other circumstances , be regarded simply as evidence of a narrowing in the social distance , but here , because of recent negative statements Anderson has made to others about McKendrick ( notably his invitation to Broadbent in scene ten , " Go ahead and clout him if you like " ( p. 83 ) ) , we are more likely to infer his contempt for him .
19 This might be regarded either as a kind of dune slack or as a type of poor fen .
20 Patients who feel vaguely unwell but for whom no specific diagnosis can be made and who therefore are difficult or impossible to patch or repair tend to be regarded either as malingerers or psychosomatic problems — with the term psychosomatic being equated with unreal or imaginary .
21 In a broader context , it can , as ideological preference may urge , be regarded either as part of the exercise in the 1860s of that liberal political wisdom which freely conceded timely advances to the advocates of change and so harnessed their energies and aspirations to the support of the general interest in the maintenance of stability and the creation of wealth in a prospering nation ; or as part of the calculated manipulation of events so as to ensure the preservation of the existing social structure against fundamental changes such as the institution of a juster order would require .
22 As these examples show , a particular phenomenon ( e.g. , the window breaking ) can be regarded either as an event , or as the subject-matter of a conclusion .
23 For the purpose of Fourier analysis , such pulses can be regarded conveniently as periodic nonsinusoidal signals of infinite period or zero frequency .
24 By s.5(2) : [ w ] here property is subject to a trust , the persons to whom it belongs shall be regarded as including any person having a right to enforce the trust , and an intention to defeat the trust shall be regarded accordingly as an intention to deprive of the property any person having that right .
25 By s.5(4) : [ w ] here a person gets property by another 's mistake and is under an obligation to make restoration ( in whole or in part ) of the property or its proceeds or the value thereof , then to the extent of that obligation the property or proceeds shall be regarded ( as against him ) as belonging to the person entitled to restoration , and an intention not to make restoration shall be regarded accordingly as an intention to deprive that person of the property or proceeds .
26 Khafji was reported to have been retaken on Jan. 30 , and allied military briefings emphasised that this should be regarded principally as a victory for Saudi units in the coalition .
27 Consequently , whereas computer networks used to be regarded primarily as a way of sharing expensive equipment — for instance , by hooking several sites up to a single mainframe — now the emphasis is increasingly on the sharing of information .
28 It is essential , and research funding should be regarded both as a priority and as a necessary complement to the current expansion in primary teacher training .
29 Even after the success of Far From the Madding Crowd Hardy was reluctant to be regarded solely as a writer of rural stories .
30 The SRs and Mensheviks have received more detailed treatment , and come to be regarded less as cynical saboteurs and traitors than as misguided champions of the petty bourgeoisie .
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