Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 the training contract can also be undertaken part time over up to four years .
2 There would probably be delayed TV rights in America , and the fight could just be the making of pay-as-you-view in Britain .
3 Some species are named after their collectors , so if our new species of Tyrannosaurus were collected by a Mr Jones it might eventually be christened Tyrannosaurus jonesi .
4 You will also be given weekend membership of the exclusive Country Club with its numerous facilities .
5 This one would be given Eupatorium perfoliatum .
6 After about a week they can be given brine shrimp nauplii and microworm , and will also peck at the food offered to the adults .
7 It also claims that the M11 extension is not covered by the directive since it is not officially designated a motorway , although the government admits that it is likely to be given motorway status at the time of opening .
8 The report recommended that public schools should progressively be integrated into the state system by taking pupils who would be given state grants .
9 There have been suggestions that they might be given state funding , or that some RCD members in the Chamber of Deputies might resign to allow the other parties a look in .
10 In order to define explicitly the roles of the Research Councils in wealth creation , they will each be given mission statements , as they themselves advised .
11 The Head Office of the London & Suburban Traction Co. was established at Electric Railway House ( now 55 Broadway , Westminster ) in 1916 and W. M. Wright became Secretary of the S.M.E.T. As a wartime measure , it was suggested to Croydon Corporation , that local routes in the area should be given service numbers and evidently they were offered the numbers 1–3 for their local routes .
12 Children may be given tetanus vaccination in the first few weeks of life and its importance is underlined by its inclusion in the primary recommended vaccination schedules which begins at two months .
13 As for the ideas of having reference to and being directed up oil , they too must be given sense consonant with the nature of the given contents and objects and the various modes of consciousness .
14 But the long-term unemployed could be given travel assistance , particularly as 40 per cent live in heavily populated areas .
15 Pupils can be given question sheets and required to carry out searches of the database to find the answers .
16 Surgical teams and nursing sisters — copiously provided with blood plasma , sulfa-drugs and penicillin , worked well forward in the battle area , so that a badly wounded man could be given emergency treatment without having to be removed along a bumpv road to hospital .
17 The woman police constable , who has been in the force for five years , had to be given emergency blood transfusions at the scene after being wounded in the stomach and arms .
18 Efforts to increase such caring should be given government help wherever possible .
19 US car companies are to be given government help to produce more fuel efficient models .
20 Some of the half dozen job evaluation schemes being peddled in the NHS ‘ should be given wealth warnings , ’ he says .
21 Mr Fallon said : ‘ I would have to think very seriously about it as I do not think Dr Clarke 's views should be given air time . ’
22 At present a hotel has to have a peak demand of over one megawatt , a tall order , but in March 1994 — if not earlier — users with a 100kW demand will be given shopping freedom .
23 " If the political will existed , " Minns said , " the remaining sites could be given SPA status by the end of next year . "
24 They also worked shorter hours , had more chance of being promoted to supervisory and managerial positions , and they were more likely to be given fringe benefits such as membership of a pension scheme .
25 Would they be given iodine tablets as well as the workers ?
26 Indeed , such is the degree of interest in substantial properties offered for sale that the nature of the problem has changed , and a new threat has appeared as developers promise to restore houses if only they can be given planning permission for extensive new building .
27 Policy discussions at ministerial level appeared to focus mainly on the hoary old issues of which agency should take lead responsibility , ’ but finally , in 1989 , the government took a decision which was considered unthinkable only a year earlier , that is , that local authority social services departments should be given lead responsibility for community care and for all services including mental health , but with some additional controls added in the latter case , the single most controversial of Griffiths ' proposals .
28 US labour experts warned that age scales would encourage the use of younger workers and would unfairly discriminate against women who would not be given family allowances .
29 Immigration R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal , Ex parte Khalid Hussain ; CA ( Lloyd , Glidewell , Stuart-Smith LJJ ) ; 5 Oct 1989 Under r 18 of the Immigration Appeals Procedure Rules 1972 , the decision of an immigration appeal tribunal considering whether or not to hear oral evidence to determine whether there were compassionate reasons for a person convicted of murder to be given entry clearance was a matter of discretion and could only be attacked on Wednesbury principles or other recognised rules .
30 But a compromise has just been worked out between the governor , the tribes and Bruce Babbitt , the ex-governor of Arizona who is now interior secretary , under which casino gambling would be restricted to the reservations , and the tribes would be given slot machines in proportion to their population .
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