Example sentences of "be [adv] good as " in BNC.

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1 Therese could be rather good as Countess Maritza .
2 A If you put it in with another colour , all you get are ‘ streaks ’ which wo n't be much good as you are trying to change the colour .
3 I shall be obliged to you if you will be so good as to let the bearer have my copy of the last year 's Transactions , in which you will greatly oblige , Sir , your most humble servant , Philip Miller .
4 Mr. Leapor has put down a Grave-Stone in Memory of his Daughter ; and I should be glad if any of the ingenious Gentlemen you mention would be so good as to write a few Lines to be put upon it
5 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
6 Now if you will be so good as to let me pass . ’
7 If you would be so good as to allow me a bucket of water , provide shirt and breeches , to be paid for when the meeting is over . ’
8 I shou 'd like a cloth one best if you please — I beg of your Sir to be so good as not to fail me this Cardinal by Wednesday , without fail , but let it be full yard long I beg , or else it will not do fail not on Wednesday , and in so doing you will very much oblige me .
9 ‘ Perhaps if you could be so good as to slip the jacket off , Major , we might complete the hanging of the trousers ? ’
10 ‘ Now if the Major would be so good as to arrange a workroom , I can have the suit finished in a couple of hours . ’
11 " Would you be so good as to ask Mr Lee to step out here please .
12 Perhaps you will be so good as to tell your guards to accompany me to the foot of the hill ? "
13 I will pawn my life for her , she will never be so pert to your honour if you will be so good as to molest her no more .
14 JEWKES : O , you are very good , sir , very forgiving indeed , but come , I hope you will be so good as to take her to your bosom and that my tomorrow morning you 'll bring her to a better sense of her duty .
15 BELVILLE : [ getting a little bored with PAMELA 's compliance ] You are very obliging , Pamela , but now be so good as to find some fault with me and say what you would wish me to do to appear more agreeable to you .
16 Would his Imperial Majesty the Shah be so good as to pause in Marrakesh on his way to the US ?
17 ‘ Kindly adjust the temperature , Mr Peckham , before it boils away , and then be so good as to ask Mr Pegg if he can spare the time to rejoin us . ’
18 If you have information to sell , be so good as to state your price , that I may be left in privacy .
19 ‘ I think , sir , that it would be better if you — and Aycliffe also — would be so good as to leave us to settle matters to our mutual satisfaction . ’
20 ‘ Please be so good as to enlighten me . ’
21 These tend to rot in the sun and though the treads might be as good as new , they will have to be changed because of the cracks in the walls .
22 I say new civilization , I do n't know that I care about its being so very different from the best that has been , but it must be as good as the best that has been .
23 A spiritual void needs to be satisfied , so what is offered as serious and sacrosanct must be as good as it pretends .
24 I do n't spect I could be as good as her , but I 'd be nearly as good .
25 Dorothea had told Florence Ames the story of Gaily in the church twice before , and neither of them was yet tired of it , Dorothea because it pleased her friend so to hear it , and Florence because it pleased her that the man had been somehow vindicated , turned out to be as good as she had thought , and a friend .
26 And even if you were , for instance , a good violinist you would never be as good as your best players .
27 City : Property without solid foundations Bricks and mortar were once thought to be be as good as money in the bank .
28 ‘ We buy 50 to 60 cars a year , and if they prove to be as good as they are at the moment at the end of the year I think we could be in the market again for more diesels .
29 Would the prospects turn out to be as good as in the 1970s ?
30 Part of the difficulty with the image came from the noisy fears of the critics , especially those who insisted that comprehensive schools would , if they were to be as good as grammar schools , have to be huge .
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