Example sentences of "be [adj] from the " in BNC.

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1 It may be preferable from the warrantor 's point of view to use the subjective phrase ‘ so far as he is aware ’ to reduce the risk of constructive knowledge .
2 The hon. Lady did not seem to realise that the diversification policy of those industries can not be cross-financed from the core businesses — I wish that the hon. Lady would listen , because she might learn something and avoid mistakes in future .
3 The gloomy Scotsman , of Menlove Avenue , Calderstones , Liverpool , says he was doomed to be depressed from the day he was born … 67 years ago .
4 In the initial post-operative period patients may be drowsy from the effects of anaesthesia or analgesia .
5 At that time , the museum will have a Learn to See system that ‘ will be complete from the point of view of showing how well the Musee d'Orsay can develop a multimedia system , ’ said Herve Lebec , the Orsay account manager for DEC France .
6 Since more than one successful path through the grammar may be necessary ( more than one syntactic combination may be possible from the candidate words ) a parallel process would also appear to be a logical choice .
7 ( c ) Linked transactions Where there is a sale and a purchase these can be adequately dealt with on the same completion statement , thereby working out in the relevant income and expenditure columns the balance that will either be due from the client or payable to the client .
8 Could be confusing from the scorebox — and the Press-box .
9 The device must be unplugged from the mains socket .
10 Obviously it is impracticable for the average hobbyist , however enthusiastic , to rear several thousand fry , and in any case this would be undesirable from the quality point of view .
11 A reference may be controversial from the start , with allegations that the question referred for decision is outside the terms of the expert clause : if a reference is outside the scope of the expert 's jurisdiction , there it will stay , and the issue will be unaffected by an expert having purported to make a decision about it .
12 ( c ) The most efficient delivery arrangement will be direct from the builders ' merchant or manufacturer to an individual site , rather than to the builder 's store .
13 Unlike the German or British environment , the Dutch workplace was found to be multi-lingual from the smallest to the largest enterprises .
14 Moreover , the nature of crowd behaviour may be different from the past not just in style but in substance .
15 This method may be different from the machine of which it is part .
16 This world will be different from the one we know by being both more educated , better trained and more utilitarian , characterised by greater economic growth and social responsibility .
17 Brian Jacksons wrote eloquently about the still frequently thwarted aspirations of young fathers today to be different from the invisible or authoritarian men they remember their own fathers as having been .
18 It has been designed to be different from the usual run of the mill international tax conference .
19 For example , the composition of a design team will be different from the team created to implement that design .
20 The strain of the foster colony is chosen for good mothering ability and preferably the coat colour should be different from the animals to be fostered , or the mating arranged so that the natural young of the foster mother are not of the same coat colour as the pups to be fostered .
21 would be different from the reputation of , of the
22 At the meeting-place of roads on the Plateau d'Iraty there are four things you can do : go unadventurously back the way you came , to Esterençuby ; carry on due east over the Col Bagargui along a tolerable but not always reassuring road into Larrau and the valley of Mauléon ; turn sharp left along a somewhat hazardous stretch of track rather than road towards the village of Men dive ( I funk Ed this route myself , after a short trial run , but bad roads do get mended or improved in the Pyrenees , so one year 's experience may be different from the next ) ; or turn to the right along the very scenic road into the Forêt d'Iraty itself .
23 I could n't see any reason why this story should be different from the rest .
24 Thus the way a prison warder , or even a shopfloor supervisor , exercises authority to get subordinates to do what he wants will be different from the way in which the director of a public company or the managing director of an audit firm will exercise theirs .
25 However , underwriting in Holland , where NCM enjoy 95 per cent of the market , may be different from the UK , and therefore NCM may have had little experience in working in a competitive market .
26 What we mean by this is that the lexical sub-system we use for recognising printed words in reading may be different from the sub-system we use for producing printed words in writing .
27 The final direction of outcome may well be different from the intentions of the participants at the start of the meeting but time and care have been applied to help the participants to arrive at the most effective consensus .
28 In either event , the Treaty will be different from the one currently before the British House of Commons .
29 That house was one of the few places where I preferred to be different from the others .
30 Average sales values for both hardware and software may also be different from the figures we have chosen and people may buy more or fewer discs for their players .
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