Example sentences of "be [adj] make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This general rule holds good except in the case of degrees including English , and of the joint degrees in modern languages and business studies , where particularly heavy pressure on places means that it may not always be possible to make offers even to applicants who possess grades above the minimum .
2 Different considerations come into play when an imaging device is used ( the ‘ Snap ’ camera ) , for example it might be possible to make allowance for the background in software .
3 It will be possible to make purchases remotely with the use of these systems .
4 Within that programme , it should be possible to make allowances for work at Tranent and on the dualling to Haddington onthe A1 .
5 On the other hand , if the basis were significantly negative just prior to the delivery day , it would be possible to make arbitrage profits by buying futures contracts , taking delivery and then selling the goods in the cash market .
6 The Transport Secretary , John McGregor , has hinted that he may be prepared to make concessions on rail privatisation to fend off a Conservative backbench rebellion .
7 A company must , therefore be aware of religious differences in its foreign markets and be prepared to make adaptations where necessary , both in selling operations and in the products themselves .
8 The Head of Department is responsible for ensuring that all personal tutors , module leaders and Field Chairs in his or her department are aware of their own responsibilities and must be prepared to make arrangements for someone to act in lieu of any of these staff who , for example , are not available to students or registry staff .
9 We must be prepared to make value judgements — allow Milton to be better than Michael Jackson in absolute terms , not just because that one 's your cup of tea and that one 's mine .
10 A uniculture is a matter for rational decision : we will be prepared to make value judgements .
11 So the point I 'm making is that offspring will be prepared to make sacrifices under those conditions , where erm , the R is greater than C. But parents will want offspring to make sacrifices , wherever B is greater than C , and the parent is not concerned with the discount parameter R , but agreed on relatedness , because parents are equally related through their offspring .
12 Oxford publishing millionaire , Robert Maxwell , is believed to be willing to make houses he 's bought on the Botley Road available for homeless families .
13 His hands were very full with arrangements for his attack on Normandy , and there must also have been many discussions about the terms on which he would be willing to make peace with the papacy .
14 ‘ People must be free to make choices not bludgeoned , bullied or bribed , ’ he said .
15 It will be interesting to make comparisons . ’
16 Do n't be afraid to make demands on yourself that go beyond your set limit — those who practise sport will recognize the truth in this .
17 It would therefore be foolish to make decisions without considering the facts realistically and reducing the unknowns to a minimum .
18 A typical provenance project could involve analysis of a hundred to two hundred samples of pottery and it would clearly be impossible to make sense of all two thousand to four thousand quantitative elemental analyses without the use of modern multivariate statistical computer programs .
19 Still , it will be easy to make money if they think like children . ’
20 But because of the recession and redundancy costs , BT will be lucky to make £50 a second in its second quarter .
21 It would be good to make Ken Harris admit that for once he had suspected the wrong man .
22 Chairman Roger Pedder says : ‘ While it may be hoped that the position will improve , members of the 1990/91 and 1991/92 policy years would be prudent to make provision for supplementary calls of 7% and 6% of the contributions for these years . ’
23 It might also be prudent to make notes of any conversations which have a major bearing on your status or prospects and retain them in your job file .
24 It will be helpful to make notes for your talk but do avoid reading them .
25 In seeking to account for the shortcomings which have previously been identified in respect of our conventional political institutions it may be helpful to make use of a typology developed in a slightly different though related context by Kamenka and Tay ( Kamenka and Tay , 1975 ; Kamenka and Tay , 1980 ) .
26 Additionally , the cataloguer will be sure to make comparisons , which will be useful to the reader , for the format is one of the few in which a generous number of illustrations can be included .
27 ‘ You should be ashamed to make advances to any man — but to your own brother-in-law is too much .
28 The palladium seemed to be helping the hydrogen to fuse but not fast enough , so if he could improve this , he might be able to make helium in amounts that would be industrially useful .
29 For some the spur may be that it would be more useful to be able to read the health and safety rules of the factory in which they work , or to be able to make sense of the words in the mail order catalogue in which they are required to shop .
30 Children should be able to make sense of how messages are conveyed in a variety of forms and contexts : in the heritage of literature written in English , but also in the mass media , in film and television , and in the newer technologies .
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