Example sentences of "be [adj] in the " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Clark is said to be stable in the burns unit of Stoke Mandeville hospital tonight … and according to her son hoping to move back into a new caravan .
2 Mrs Clark is said to be stable in the burns unit of Stoke Mandeville hospital tonight … and according to her son hoping to move back into a new caravan .
3 Seeds continued to be upset in the Ladies event and the quarter-finals proved to be the downfall of both the top seed and defending champion Isabelle Wild , and the No. 4 seed Alison Fleming — both girls who had recently completed their final examinations were beaten by Lockhart and Nina Topper respectively .
4 So And o , also when it 's the day before I , I 'm working I 'm very conscience that I do n't want her to be upset in the morning , same with Christopher I do n't want any upsets in the morning .
5 ‘ To encourage Joan 's hopes now would be cruel in the extreme .
6 The offences do not require any endangerment at all : that is taken to be inherent in the carrying of firearms , since their potentialities are grave and the risk of accidents as well as deliberate use is well known .
7 That this was an ill-advised step is very clear to us , but Eadmer was only pressing a claim which he believed to be inherent in the original jurisdiction of Canterbury .
8 The other cause may , however , be inherent in the stock market system .
9 I echo the point made by my hon. Friend the Member for New Forest ( Sir P. McNair-Wilson ) about the delays that could be inherent in the new system proposed by the Bill .
10 Guns like these could be devastating in the wrong hands .
11 ‘ You looked so beautiful , pretending to be asleep in the passenger-seat — ’
12 We now have three criteria for the selection of methods and resources : that they should be appropriate for the objectives and the students to be taught ; that they should be practicable in the context of the teaching session ; and that they should be compatible with the personal resources of the teacher .
13 Carrier testing is also practicable in close relatives but — except in communities with a high frequency of particular mutations — carrier testing will not be practicable in the general population , including the unrelated spouses of known carriers , until it is possible cheaply to scan the hydroxylase gene for the many known mutations .
14 Plasma catecholamine levels tend to be normal in the majority of diabetics except in those with ketoacidosis , autonomic neuropathy and poor glycaemic control ( Christensen , 1972 ; Christlieb , 1976 ; Zadik et al , 1980 ) , although hypertensive diabetics may have increased sensitivity to circulating catecholamines ( Christlieb , 1976 ; De Chatel et al , 1977 ) .
15 The laboratory tests lack specificity and can be normal in the presence of clinically active disease .
16 the increased cost of the proposals and the fact that many will be unnecessary in the majority of firms means that the extra requirements should only be imposed on firms with a history of late or qualified reports etc .
17 Subsequently , it has been suggested that gastric metaplasia in the duodenum and H pylori associated gastritis might be synergistic in the pathogenesis of duodenitis , with the metaplastic gastric epithelium allowing H pylori to colonise the duodenal mucosa , where it produces an acute inflammatory response .
18 However , there are both practical and legal problems in cases where the woman says that she consented through fear only : she did not resist , because she thought that it would be hopeless in the circumstances , she was terrified , or she feared serious violence .
19 We stopped again to buy olive oil and garlic , for Lili said that although she had vowed not to interfere she was going to cook dinner and , while my mother would complain , she would be grateful in the end .
20 ‘ We could never be respectable in the eyes of the world , ’ said Jean , ‘ but that hardly matters . ’
21 But if you 've got excitement — and that 's anything from romancing to stalking in the dark — then you 'll be alert in the wee small hours .
22 It can first be grown in an immersed flower-pot in a smaller tank , and then , once the plant has grown to a substantial height , it should be sunken in the main tank .
23 The atmosphere must be right in the arena and the whole event must be properly produced and co-ordinated .
24 The Court of Appeal on 9 August 1989 found that a trial judge has no power to empanel a multiracial jury , even if he believes to do so would be right in the particular circumstances of the case .
25 Professor Moule may not be right in the interpretation he gives to these four verses .
26 Erm as I digest Mr 's comments and the various implications erm of the things that he said , it 's more and more confirming for me that perhaps we may well be right in the step by step measured approach because quite clearly erm I suspect that if we run at this stage a preferred location , erm I suspect that the the opposition to that and there would be opposition to it , may well have may well prejudice the principle er of the new settlement .
27 They will take many different forms and indeed they may not be self-evident in the ‘ real ’ concrete world at all .
28 In fact , libertarian ideologists seem to be scarce in the Young Conservatives over the whole West Midland region .
29 ‘ I bet she 's a virgin , and she 'd be volcanic in the sack . ’
30 Although an attempt was made to be representative in the choice of these films it is clear that if the effects observed are of any practical significance it should be possible to observe them on a more varied stimulus set .
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