Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that , although we can not protect the entire railway track throughout the country , a useful step may be to see whether cameras can be used at strategic points , not least at the busiest rail junction in the world ?
2 The first concern of hon. Members , particularly those representing Leicestershire constituencies , will be to know whether children in Leicestershire children 's homes are now properly protected against abuse .
3 Dr Pacque 's job will be to initiate and plan programmes for distributing ivermectin first in Mali , then in Guinea and Sierra Leone and later in other West African countries , including Nigeria .
4 One possible alternative may be to suggest that jaws correspond to the velum in a larval lamprey , a special pumping device located at the entrance to the pharynx .
5 I have often thought that I should like to push through the House a simple single-clause Bill which would reduce death and injury at a stroke : it would be to insist that road traffic operated with signals in the same way as trains .
6 Its aim , with the likely support of West Germany and the Commission President , Mr Jacques Delors , will be to ensure that institutions of democratic accountability are developed in parallel with the supra-national instruments of economic and monetary policy-making like the proposed central bank .
7 The Minister 's brief would be to ensure that rapists are given a fair trial , to remove the by then punitive tax on shaving brushes , and generally to encourage his sex to emerge from their hiding-places and contribute to the running of the nation .
8 The distribution of wealth is important because one aim of the radical left should be to ensure that people draw an income from work , welfare and wealth .
9 The objective would be to ensure that policy alternatives are adequately considered , that reasons are proffered for agency decisions , and that differing interests can present their views to the agency and have those views adequately discussed .
10 Specialist treatment bases might continue to exist where intensive work could be done on particular problems , but their aim would be to ensure that children could take advantage of mainstream services .
11 The aim should be to recognize that parents are consumers as well as clients and their schools and local authorities are the agents for implementing a closely knit policy of collaboration .
12 The design and cost evaluation will be based on a facilities brief derived from the market analysis appropriate for the site , a contract strategy and overall programme with defined roles for the technical professionals , a view of how easy the project would be to build and life cycle costs and elemental costing .
13 Within these limitations , however , an amorphous and diverse spread of topics remains to be explored , particularly since a persistent theme of this chapter will be to emphasize that environmentalism in rural England is not simply a technological or ecological affair , but a social , political and even philosophical question , too .
14 One response to these data might be to argue that community based dermatology is therefore essential , but this view is held only by those whose ignorance of the specialty is total .
15 To say that Tit for Tat , say , is an ESS , would be to say that Tit for Tat does well in a climate dominated by Tit for Tat .
16 Consequently , the best treatment seems to be to say that stress in words with prefixes is governed by the same rules as those for words without prefixes .
17 A natural response to this state of affairs would be to say that theory cut off from the writing of literature is no more than a sterile academicism .
18 Another way of putting this would be to say that Althusser demonstrated that according to the protocols of conventional logic , history is impossible .
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