Example sentences of "be [art] great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But when we talked about ‘ The House ’ — that was what we called it , there was never a name — we could imagine that just at the top of the stairs would be the Great Kitchen with its rows of gleaming copper pans hung up next to pheasants and hams and bunches of strange herbs — and through the kitchen window we 'd be able to see the long lawns of the garden where stone lions crouched with their heads between their paws and real peacocks screeched up at peacock shapes clipped out of hedges …
2 Excursions were regularly organized by churches and chapels , firms , clubs , street committees , and this for many would be the great occasion of their encounter with the railway station .
3 Oswald Mosley aspired to be the Great Dictator , Sir Charles Chaplin played the role better .
4 The great dream for Germany could be the great nightmare for Germany 's Third World population .
5 Eric Abbott prophesied falsely , ‘ It is to be the great work of your life ’ .
6 In a radio address at the end of 1940 , Roosevelt had proclaimed " We must be the great arsenal of democracy " .
7 Accompanying the little Tsunamis on their maiden voyage will be the great Sun Dragon , now renamed the Sparc Center 2000 , the biggest beast Sun has ever tried to field and a clear signal it 's after the Fortune 1000 's distributed data centre .
8 Leaving Fraser to deal with the occupants of the vaulted basement chambers Douglas and Ramsay raced up the twisting turnpike stairway to the first floor , where would be the great hall , followed by fifty or so mosstroopers .
9 Tall windows stared bleakly down at her from what she guessed to be the great hall .
10 And landlords and people of substance , who might normally offer charitable relief of their own , would certainly guard their purses as long as the government declared itself to be the great provider .
11 Take us and Europe now , is n't it odd that , after two world wars , in which our men who died , our nations sacrificed themselves in fighting what was thought to be the great German danger , we now find ourselves at least as much hostile to our allies in both of those wars — the French — as we do to the Germans , and if one could measure this sort of thing it might well be that in the British public at large you would find more sympathy towards the Germans than the French .
12 You 're a little young to be the great tycoon . ’
13 There will not be the great trade-off that my hon. Friend imagines .
14 MARGARETE Buber-Neumann lived and suffered much in the eye of the storm of history that tore Europe apart , and died just as the world was watching incredulously what seems to be the great schism 's healing .
15 The GCSE was supposed to be the great leveller of examinations , a combination of the GCE O-Level — the grammar school exam — and the CSE — the comprehensive/secondary modern exam .
16 A lion which at the beginning of the book seems as though it might just be an escaped animal from a nearby zoo turns out to be the great Lion of Strength .
17 I hope that this whole issue can be settled soon so that rugby can be the great game it has always been .
18 We invoke the name of Omnipotence , humbly imploring his power and approbation ; to our countrymen we say , cease from your ribbons and banners ; support party struggles no more ; leave them to die , to exhaust themselves ; support those men of all parties who will espouse and maintain the good old rule of Christianity … we must ourselves be the great instrument of our regeneration .
19 So there 'll be the Great World six will come out just long enough after the May elections to record our victories er as stop press .
20 Although the Victorian era is considered to be the great age of plant collectors , the ancient Egyptians recorded plant collecting expeditions in their hieroglyphics .
21 The countryside became more deserted , farmsteads and villages more sparse as they approached the green mass of trees on the far horizon which Corbett knew must be the great Forest of Ettrick .
22 One situation in which there will be no great difficulty in establishing that the directors have broken their duty is where there is overt evidence of divergent motivation .
23 That need be no great problem : if it falls too quickly , central banks can cut interest rates , as the Fed has , to brake the decline .
24 ‘ There will be no great welcome back here for the tour party — the only people to meet them at the airport will be their wives , ’ he said bitterly .
25 Farmers were confident that if they sold to the Commission there would be no great rush of Germans to buy it , and the Commission could not sell the land to the Poles .
26 Ironically , since Hartley seems to be no great lover of what Japanese companies have done to the instrument industry , he concedes various parallels in th Peavey set-up with the oriental approach to business .
27 Ironically , since Hartley seems to be no great lover of what Japanese companies have done to the instrument industry , he concedes various parallels in th Peavey set-up with the oriental approach to business .
28 For routine low-level tasks there may be no great distinction between a task description and skill description but for high-level tasks there will be a considerable difference .
29 Mr Jan Sekera , director of Prague 's Stredoceska Galerie , one of the city 's leading contemporary galleries , said of the new tax law , ‘ I 'm afraid that there will be no great movement as the relief is limited to only two per cent .
30 He was attracted to her , but basically , if he never touched her again , then it would be no great loss .
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