Example sentences of "be [adj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So to be complete the model should have three input systems and three output systems , plus a central ( semantic/cognitive ) system .
2 For any stepping rate limit the motor torque can be read-off the torque/speed characteristic and the corresponding rate of acceleration calculated from : Acceleration = motor torque/inertia In general the motor is able to decelerate faster than it can accelerate , but if a single p is to control both acceleration and deceleration the ramp rate must be shed to the acceleration rate .
3 In experiments on rats it has been shown that where experimenters expected rats to be maze-bright , the rats fulfilled their expectation and where they were expected to be maze-dull the rats also fulfilled expectations .
4 If a decision is held to be non-justiciable the court will decline jurisdiction over it .
5 Self-understanding is not in itself going to bring about changes , but it can be half the battle in recognizing what is happening early enough and encouraging you to do something about it .
6 ‘ It wo n't be half the fun , but I daresay we 'll manage . ’
7 I — it wo n't be half the fun without you . ’
8 Philosophy , in so far as it is the articulation of the concepts , dilemmas , explanations and abstractions of a culture , will only be half the story unless both genders contribute equally .
9 Low blood sugar level , that could be half the problem .
10 Erm children 's pensions they would be half the widow 's or widower 's pension and they 're payable for dependant children up to the age of seventeen and for children who are in full time erm higher education and for one child the payment would be actually half the widow 's or the widower 's pension .
11 The Kasbah , and other centres such as Metro and Aguila Roja , are excellent for duty free goods such as cameras and audio equipment , which can often be half the price they are in the UK .
12 After all , brewers are not paying tax on beer that contains little or no alcohol , so it should be half the price of normal beer .
13 It 'll be half the price it is in Boot 's Cookshop .
14 This would certainly simplify equation ( 6.3 ) to yield : but it is clear intuitively that we can not completely fill the file , as the last available storage position would on average be half the file area away from the last record 's computed address .
15 I do nay get out there , it was gon na be half the time .
16 b ) If such notice is given or the employment is so terminated after nine months and within 15 months , the repayment will be half the amount .
17 Of those , continent and incontinent , who felt they would be embarrassed the reasons were ‘ too shy ’ ( 63 , 33% ) , ‘ too personal — a topic not spoken of ’ ( 54 , 28% ) , ‘ would n't like to admit wetting myself ’ ( 25 , 13% ) .
18 This will be ok the exam or paper will consist of six questions which you will do in two hours , er not all six of course .
19 The main findings were that the continuations were judged less acceptable when the pronoun 's antecedent was introduced by the verb ( 54 versus 92% ) and that even when the continuations were judged to be acceptable the judgements were made more slowly ( 2281 versus 1871 ms ) .
20 must be empty the cupboard was bare !
21 , I wanted , you have to be careful the books you get out .
22 You Tony could be cleaner the bus shelter .
23 Let us be clear the figures … are Falkirk Football Club 's figures . ’
24 Somehow the idea depressed Sophie , and although she told herself firmly not to be foolish the party held even less attraction for her .
25 The Consortium would need to be convinced the Carmel Woods IDO was sufficiently important to merit further action .
26 He had crashed in the earlier 250cc race and although he appeared to be unhurt the doctors advised him not to ride in the superbike .
27 to be honest the mess it must have left her !
28 Erm to be honest the revision getting a bit neglected it 's , we 've done most of our coursework , in most subjects there 's coursework which in some subjects which has to be , not , does n't have to be done before the exam but it 's preparation , preparation work for the exams .
29 To be honest the atmosphere was one of secret intimacy where most of the audience were still in a state of suspended disbelief that this was happening .
30 But unless the defendant admits he knew the report to be false the prosecution will have to rely on circumstantial evidence .
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