Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Raw garlic is said to be preferable to kill bacteria and boost immune functioning .
2 It might — it 's for you to decide — be preferable to close Aurae Phiala to the public for some days .
3 Hodge contended that if the Interim Committee failed to reach a satisfactory conclusion that it would be preferable to terminate UNTCOK , withdraw American troops ( even though the Soviet Union was demanding this ) , and press ahead with the establishment of a government in south Korea .
4 However , cost would preclude very frequent advertising via this particular medium , so for frequency of exposure it would be preferable to consider hoardings and transport advertisements ( eg as with the famous Guinness advertisements ) .
5 It may therefore be preferable to defer realisation of the loss ( see s18 TCGA 1992 ) .
6 If you do want to portray an older figure , it would be preferable to try Hermione in The Winter 's Tale — she is a more fantastical character , without the added complications of historical authenticity , and so allows for greater flexibility of characterisation .
7 Would it not be preferable to absorb infanticide into the doctrine of diminished responsibility and allow the prosecution to charge manslaughter in such cases ?
8 Nor , at present , does it look as though it will be practicable to bring SERPS within the scope of the Courts .
9 Pauline Hoare knows of women who regularly travel from Kent to Durham to visit their husbands , and if a crime was committed in Scotland it would be normal to find families based in England or Wales having to travel up to Scottish prisons .
10 I should be grateful to have comments on these two points .
11 They are used to create a perfect finish on iced cakes , and often have a decorative edge that can be used to imprint patterns on the icing .
12 Systematic mapping at 1:10 000 north of Grantham ( sheet 127 ) on the Lincolnshire Limestone outcrop demonstrated intraformational breaks that may be attributable to channel infilling and bioherm development .
13 The home secretary has said that the development of community radio raises difficult problems for broadcasting policy and that ‘ … it would not be right to take matters further at present ’ .
14 To avoid that possibility it would be right to give reasons in complex cases .
15 But once the Parliamentary material was brought to our attention , it seemed to me , as , I believe , to others of your Lordships who had heard the appeal first argued , to raise an acute question as to whether it could possibly be right to give effect to taxing legislation in such a way as to impose a tax which the Financial Secretary to the Treasury , during the passage of the Bill containing the relevant provision , had , in effect , assured the House of Commons it was not intended to impose .
16 It would only be right to have regard to facilities if there are objective grounds for believing that the lender will fulfil his commitment .
17 One has said , as Leonard Arthur himself believed , that ‘ in such circumstances , with parental consent , it could be right to end life . ’
18 By the same logic , can it be right to send people to prison because they have been found guilty of drunkenness , vagrancy , offences related to prostitution , and drug offences ( of whom there were nearly 900 men and 100 women in 1981 ) ?
19 It can not , in my opinion , be right to place creditors on a Morton 's fork of that character .
20 The structure must be intact to prevent access by other means .
21 Which would suggest that it might be rash to release Mr Sisulu , who has been secretary general of the ANC since 1949 , at this stage .
22 It would be presumptuous to assume fans switched allegiance overnight and started buying records by The Wedding Present instead of The Smiths .
23 I 've got a couple of erm , really going to be specific to do essay writing , but I need to get in the subjects in .
24 Secretary David Ryder said : ‘ We would be sorry to leave Acklam Park , because traditionally it 's been a well-supported venue in the Northern part of the county . ’
25 Sha n't be sorry to see Philip go , will you ?
26 There was unanimity among all but Mr Le Pen 's members that the neo-fascists would be unsuitable to represent Strasbourg abroad , especially at the Knesset .
27 The volume of the utterance may be loud to express anger or whispered for secrecy .
28 Conversely the under-confident person may be hesitant to predict danger or to react to it with sufficient purpose or determination .
29 Thus it should be possible to monitor changes in admission practices , to understand the mechanisms of change during medical education and beyond , and to provide long-term validation data for the process of selection itself .
30 Thus , it may be possible to design hormone replacement that retains the ability to control menopausal symptoms while protecting against breast cancer .
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