Example sentences of "be [verb] by this " in BNC.

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1 People 's natural prejudices may be aroused by this prospect alone , sufficiently for the idea to be rejected , but it must be made clear why EMU is undesirable for Britain and for Europe .
2 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
3 The revival of interest in its ideas might be explained by this , rather than by its standing as a political organisation .
4 The reports of statues actually ‘ breathing , and ‘ speaking ’ may be explained by this understanding .
5 The attractions of Dworkin 's thesis can possibly be explained by this need for a new unitary formulation of legal theory — the irony , of course , is that Dworkin shares with other approaches this simplified view of today 's society .
6 But not all the remaining convergence can be explained by this process and it has been suggested that the rest has been accommodated by the lateral movement of blocks of continental lithosphere along east-west trending strike-slip faults to the north of the Tibetan Plateau in Mongolia and western China ( Fig. 3.24 ) .
7 The work , which is being paid for out of the memorial fund launched after Whillans ' death , began recently and is due to be completed by this autumn .
8 Papal encyclicals came to be consulted by this route , as did the current treatises of Ius Publicun on church — state relations .
9 All this is framed in gender-neutral terms , but researchers have become aware of difficulties in finding women who can be placed by this classification in the ‘ higher stages ’ of moral development .
10 Let him who is prepared , should McNab decide on another experiment , to have needles driven into his stomach , allow himself to be treated by this charlatan .
11 A bigger waste of time has never been seen , for that legislation will be overturned by this Bill .
12 The conflicting results in the literature about the pre- or postsynaptic locus for the maintenance of LTP may be resolved by this data .
13 That dispute can not be resolved by this court and we were not asked to do so .
14 Differences in opinion can be accentuated by this process so that the parents start to argue with each other rather than dealing jointly with the child .
15 Do n't be discouraged by this , as it is a good sign that you have stretched muscles that have not been used for some time .
16 Within any country the Human Resource situation can be approached by this basic division into the ‘ economically active ’ and others who , for one reason or another , are supported by the workers .
17 So , for example , the private man who sells his car — whether privately or to a dealer — ; can not be caught by this Act .
18 Where the change is not so fundamental as to be caught by this rule and the departure follows upon some dispute , client notification will not be unconnected with whatever restraint covenants have been imposed on the outgoing partner(s) .
19 ‘ They are not going to be bullied by this ‘ couldn't-care-less ’ government , ’ she added .
20 In no way was their father going to be overwhelmed by this cold withdrawn woman .
21 Ruth hated the way Anna let herself be dominated by this selfish boy .
22 ‘ From today the title and emblem of The Scotsman will be carried by this locomotive as it carries thousands of Scots , English and other nationalities on their leisure and business journeys between the great cities of Scotland and England , ’ he said .
23 ‘ If he really had a divine mission , ran the objection , he would not be surrounded by this rag-tag band , but by the best and the brightest . …
24 Unfortunately , the method for coding the various style variations within a font family mean that only 255 unique fonts can be encoded by this system .
25 All the pleasing illusions , which made power gentle and obedience liberal , which harmonised the different shades of life … are to be dissolved by this new conquering empire of light and reason .
26 However , if justice and peace could be secured by this House passing ritual condemnations , Northern Ireland would be the most pacific province in Europe .
27 The only good news and the only real cheer that I can take from today 's events is that this is the last occasion on which such an announcement will be made by this Secretary of State or by a Conservative Government .
28 Any future reference to this Issue must be made by this new identifier .
29 We are not suggesting any solutions , we want information with that information then er , a judgement can then be made by this Committee and something can be done to accept those jobs and to create employment for an unemployment .
30 Is it not in order for Back Benchers at least to ask the Prime Minister whether the policies that are being promoted by the Opposition will most emphatically not be adopted by this Government ?
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