Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The structure can be stabilised by a triangulation that is most economic when symmetrical and evolves into the familiar forms of roof trusses , bridges , arches and vaulting .
2 For more on how these roles can be blended into a successful group , see Groups on page 77 and Teams on page 161 .
3 THE bitter tussle between Russia 's parliament and government appeared to be drawing to a close last night after preliminary approval was given to a compromise that would allow President Yeltsin 's administration to continue its reforms .
4 Margaret Stanhope saw by the watch that never left his wrist that their unromantic interlude would soon be drawing to a close .
5 In the hollow below , Bigwig seemed to be drawing to a close .
6 The era of the passive media consumer — or ‘ couch potato ’ — may be drawing to a close if they discoveries of the ingenious Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are any indication .
7 The lack of welfare officers , the rarity of home leave , the concept of visits and letter-writing as a privilege which could be withdrawn as a punishment , and the denial of permission to keep family photographs , were all indications of an absence of serious interest in helping to maintain a prisoner 's contacts with the outside world .
8 A contestant may withdraw , or be withdrawn from a competition through injury .
9 He further announced on Jan. 29 , 1990 , that 2,750 military and civilian personnel ( including their dependants ) would be withdrawn from a number of bases in the United Kingdom and elsewhere ( for other announcements of US defence expenditure cuts and for European concerns about reduced US miliary commitment to Europe see p. 37226 ) .
10 My noble and learned Friend and my right hon. Friend made it clear that the green form scheme would not be withdrawn until a full , free , prompt , and convenient form of professional advice was available to every asylum seeker .
11 The edges of mirrors can be smoothed with a carborundum stone but using water rather than oil as the lubricant .
12 This networking of previously lone individuals and groups will be highlighted through a number of networking facilities including the innovative Networking Game .
13 Marx believed that this contradiction would be highlighted by a second : the contradiction between social production and individual ownership .
14 The limestone scars seen on the left during the ascent here give place to a moorland shelf inclined at an easier gradient which , on investigation , is found to be perforated by a line of potholes .
15 I recognise that it may also be tinged with a note of bias , for I passionately believe with the project organisers that school and community are parallel and co-operative agencies in the education of young children , and that to establish understanding , as well as to promote real creativity , children should begin reading and learning in the language they speak at home .
16 Fernando , 52 , who had led the sea war against Tamil flotillas running arms supplies from India , was the highest-ranking officer to be assassinated during a series of recent assaults against senior military personnel .
17 In that year the secretary of the Society for the Relief of Persons Confined for Small Debts received a letter from Spencer Perceval the Prime Minster ( who was later to be assassinated by a bankrupt , John Bellingham ) to say that His Majesty had graciously given orders to present The Thatched House Society with £2,000 from his private purse .
18 Mandela was to be assassinated by a sniper on his return from abroad in mid-July .
19 These , and other changes , all contributed to the doubling of productivity within those six years , and he is optimistic that it could be trebled as a result of the fast , electronic and computer assisted information that is now available .
20 It was not a right to be enjoyed as a source of revenue or worldly glory : it was to be guarded as a gift from the past , representing an eternal principle of order .
21 A ship would have to be guarded by a warship , the Americans , who supplied the original plutonium , insisted .
22 ‘ T is too narrow a road to be guarded by a castle . ’
23 In addition , involvement of major neurovascular structures and bone can also be diagnosed with a high degree of accuracy .
24 But although it is such a widespread condition , endometriosis is often overlooked because it can only be diagnosed by a minor surgical procedure called laparoscopy ( the insertion of an illuminated instrument through a small incision in the abdomen ) and many suffers do have problems getting their GPs to refer them to a specialist who can do the these for them .
25 Nervous convulsions have been attributed by some clinicians to toxocariasis , but there is still some disagreement on whether the parasite can be implicated as a cause of these signs .
26 The principal arguments for a policy of CPD were advanced in the Brett-Jones Report of 1978 and although none could be refuted in a responsible way , it was not until 1 January 1981 that Regulations were made by the General Council of the RICS to make compulsory , and to regulate , members ' Continuing Professional Development .
27 And it can quickly produce a list of signs that need to be altered for a relief route or during a major road repair .
28 Here , the therapist is looking for maladaptive coping strategies which can be altered at a later date in homework assignments .
29 Thus a computer architecture and instruction set can be frozen at a later stage in the design process , and can be altered as a result of any inadequacies or improvements .
30 With a text on a word-processor no one version is final , any version can be altered without a trace .
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