Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] these " in BNC.

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1 Three related ailments can be diagnosed for these failings .
2 ‘ Some products have too wide a variation to be explained by these factors and one must assume that many multi-national companies are charging what they believe the market will bear . ’
3 Purchase behaviour is a key behavioural pattern and can , in part , be explained by these theories .
4 The extent that such voluntary information disclosures can be explained by these specific company characteristics will then be explored .
5 Many of the familiar aspects of modernization , such as a rise of individualism and of specification in material culture use and scientific-rational order , may be traced in these studies , but the evidence provides a means of analysing such changes in terms of the structural organization of everyday objects for the population as a whole , and acts as a balance to the more common literary and self-reflective accounts or these changes .
6 Accordingly , only brief consideration will be given to these findings here , with the most notable differences between the surveys being highlighted ( see Parker et al . ,
7 Mr. Richards submitted that particular weight should be given to these communications .
8 But the Law Lords unanimously decided that he was obliged to have regard only to ‘ material considerations ’ and that the amount of weight to be given to these was a matter for his judgment .
9 Further still , despite their gaps , Eadmer 's History and Anselm 's letters together allow a remarkably complete account of royal and papal negotiations and political vicissitudes to be given for these few years .
10 Further details will be given on these pictures when they become available .
11 By taking the duck 's eye as a centre and developing a spiral out from it then altering direction for the bill the duck 's head can be formed from these rhythms ; in this case the ‘ noble ’ profile of the pochard .
12 Old fashioned alimony can be justified on these grounds , and a new fashioned proposal is on the table in Australia that divorce settlements include a lump-sum compensation for sacrificed earning potential ( Macdonald , 1986 ) .
13 Taxes on alcohol and tobacco could be justified on these grounds .
14 There is a greater recognition among philosophers that belief in God 's existence does not need to be justified in these terms , and that theologians themselves do not seek to provide such justification .
15 A tax on — smoke or water-polluting production processes , or a higher tax on leaded petrol or a congestion tax on vehicles in city centres , or a duty on heavy lorries that badly damage road foundations , could be justified in these terms .
16 " This Meeting , with every feeling of humanity for the distressed Sufferers , who have the misfortune to be shipwrecked on the coast of this Island , have to regret that numbers of the Country prople , shaking off all fear of God , or regard to the laws , are in the constant practice against every rule of Christian charity , or hospitality , of resorting in numbers to the shores , where strangers have the Misfortune of being shipwrecked , and that for the sole purpose of plunder ; which practice this Meeting hold in the greatest abhorrence , and now declare their disapprobation of ; and in order , as much as possible , to remedy this evil , this Meeting not only collectively , but individually , pledge themselves to use their utmost exertions , not only for the preservation of the property of the individuals , who may have the Misfortune to be wrecked on these coasts , but also for bringing to condign punishment all and every such persons as may be found plundering from wrecks : "
17 Often the manitous could be heard in these places , and they would mimic passers-by rather like an echo .
18 Pupils ' progress should be registered against these levels : level 2 should be assumed to represent the performance of the median 7 year old ; level 4 that of the median 11 year old ; the boundary between levels 5 and 6 that of the median 14 year old ; and the boundary between levels 6 and 7 that of the median 16 year old ; ( d ) assessment should be by a combination of national externally set Standard Assessment Tasks ( SATs ) and assessments by teachers .
19 Pupils ' progress should be registered against these levels : level 2 should be assumed to represent the performance of the median 7 year old ; level 4 that of the median 11 year old ; the boundary between levels 5 and 6 that of the median 14 year old ; and the boundary between levels 6 and 7 that of the median 16 year old ;
20 The reduction in penalty from the theoretically available life to three years will mean that prosecuting policy will have to be revised in these types of affray , and that prosecutions will have to be brought either for riot or violent disorder , or for offences contrary to the Offences Against the Persons Act 1861 , sections 18 , 20 and 47 .
21 To the very end of his long life he continued to be consulted about these types of issues , and lived to be present at the Pan Anglican Congress of 1908 , at which so many of his ideals were acclaimed .
22 There are , in addition , detailed requirements as to the contents of the offer document and the Schedule to the Order should be consulted for these .
23 The resulting system has come to be referred to as ‘ neoclassicism ’ — a retention of the assumption of free will , but with an allowance that it is sometimes freer than at other times and that the proportionality of punishments should be adjusted to these varying degrees of freedom .
24 So something more must be said about beliefs , expectations , hopes , and so on , than that they are not extended , if they are adequately to be distinguished from these other non-extended phenomena .
25 In Darwin 's version pangenesis could not be squared with these cytological generalizations ; for , if each of the two masses of gemmules coming together at fertilization is taken to be one cell , then it has not arisen in the division of one cell in that parent ; while , if each is taken to be a myriad of cells , then far too many are coming together at fertilization .
26 It remains to be seen whether similar restrictions or limits will be placed on these public rights to information .
27 Young adults and rams should also be treated at these times .
28 For PF 5 only modes of e' symmetry are active in both IR and Raman spectra ; any Raman bands coinciding in frequency with IR bands can confidently be assigned to these modes .
29 The next process turns these soft , lacquer discs into metal stampers , and all your records will be pressed from these .
30 The accounts can now be posted with these journal entries and the balance sheet drawn up :
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