Example sentences of "with which i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The confidence with which I looked forward to that week and its promise of change , if not release , was undermined by nagging anxiety over the move itself .
2 And as you see , the numbers with which I credit him are more than enough .
3 The other matter with which I wish to deal is the false feeling among Conservative Members that the Government have acted correctly on child benefit .
4 As the outcome bears no relation to either an efficient market or the declared aims of government policy , it sets up pressures for those who feel injured to seek political solutions , which mean greater government intervention and greater inefficiency — a treadmill with which I regret to say we are all too familiar in the United Kingdom .
5 This was due , no doubt , to the fact that though I motored further and further from the house , I continued to find myself in surroundings with which I had at least a passing acquaintance .
6 I remembered the queer mixture of fear and belief with which I had read this and afterwards written it down .
7 Everything about this little scene related to the Ocean with which I had become so enraptured : if ever the peoples of the Pacific were to take over the running of the world , I fancied , it would start with people such as these , using such things in a place like this .
8 It was here that we found the official report of the operation by 22 Squadron on September 17 , 1940 , the report with which I had opened this story .
9 It was not a matter with which I had been confronted .
10 Everything then was twice as frightening , so I returned to the gentle patting and quiet treatment with which I had tried to persevere before , and slowly Jester forgot his ‘ fear ’ and got on with his work .
11 ( 55 ) I found a bottle with which I made numerous marks on the ground surrounding our tents and a few yards into the jungle , as far as I dared venture .
12 I refer you to my letter of 8 March regarding the above tape , with which I sent you two copies of the Agreement that had been drawn up ( following your request of 7 March ) .
13 This begins to be interesting , and it is I think the originary focus of that sense of misgiving with which I began .
14 One of the earliest was the study by Gagné and Baker ( 1950 ) with which I began this chapter ( fig. 5.1 ) , this study being designed to show that training in applying a different verbal label to each of the various stimulus lights would produce differentiation among them that would transfer to a subsequent motor task .
15 Yet Poulantzas ' wish to argue hypothetically is peculiarly revealing ; for as well as drawing attention to the slight explanatory power of his theory it raises the third of the questions with which I began — the question of whether he has really succeeded in casting off voluntarism .
16 But to return to the question with which I began the discussion of LTP , is it really a model for long-term changes in the nervous system , or is it something more , a mechanism for memory itself ?
17 The first is not chronological but logical ; that is , it will set out how , having invented the six criteria with which I began Chapter 8 , I have tried to meet them using the passive avoidance task .
18 And this is more than the ambition with which I began , and more than my son 's inheritance .
19 For me , death , like sexuality , was an aspect of the adult world , with which I felt myself incapable of coming to terms .
20 I 've been giving some thought to the content of the next magazine with which I hope you can help .
21 But the frequency with which I receive such public congratulations ( to the great embarrassment of my nine-year-old son ) seems to indicate that at least a proportion of those who buy the book actually do read it .
22 ( May 15th ) contains a number of statements with which I take issue .
23 I remember the awe with which I realised — suddenly , while pushing the bike up the bog road — that I now had no excuses for putting off being happy ; there was no one left to blame .
25 ‘ Because if you force me to leave , what would I do about my wretched EC forms on milk yield with which I 've been wrestling ?
26 I think for example of the sensitivity of some of the small market towns , the point for example that was made to us last week about the sensitivity one settlement with which I 've come increasingly familiar over the last fortnight and that is town centre .
27 But I think I would be giving you the wrong impression if I suggested that most of the evaluation studies with which I 've been concerned have involved this kind of conclusion , or this kind of result .
28 The excitement with which I brought it home .
29 I remember the near panic with which I set about trying to paint at that first Bingley course when we were all made to experience work in another field than our own .
30 Not only this , but within the metric system itself there is standardisation , so that some of the terms with which I grew up have all but disappeared .
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