Example sentences of "with a [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Paul Reid caught the defence square with a perfect through ball from the halfway line for McCarthy to race clear and beat Prudhoe with a right foot shot .
2 Paul Reid caught the defence square with a perfect through ball from the halfway line for McCarthy to race clear and beat Prudhoe with a right foot shot .
3 If nothing is readily available you find yourself trying to thaw out the cheesecake from the bottom of the freezer ( nobody will miss it , will they ? ) , or working out how long it will take you to get to the shops and back with a bag-full of goodies .
4 Some people feel more comfortable with a rolled up towel or cushion under the chest and ankles .
5 Without any provocation or excuse , M. struck her violently in the face with a rolled up newspaper .
6 A , the " Keeper of the Keys " is in the circle , armed with a rolled up newspaper .
7 His hands sometimes stopped shaking long enough for him to light a fag or give his teeth the once-over with Pepsodent , but that was every other Scumday in a month with a zed in it .
8 The new hostel was planned to clear the homeless problem by converting 12 maisonettes into a 30room hostel , with a flat for a warden .
9 Excavations in 1969–73 along the eastern side of the droveway behind Ermine Street revealed more complex picture , with a mid to late second century encroachment onto hitherto open agricultural land by industrial concerns , represented by large areas of burnt sand covered by friable clay and wood ash .
10 The pickups are Jackson 's own , with a J92-C in the bridge and a J50-M in the neck .
11 Like all Mbuna these fish require very pure , well aerated water with a moderate to high level of hardness and a moderately alkaline pH ( 7.5–8.5 ) .
12 Although Koehler ( 1914 ) suggested that O. nodosa was conspecific with O. anomala several differences are apparent , O. anomala differing from O. nodosa by the following characters : 1 , the jaw appears narrower than O. nodosa ; 2 , the apical and oral papillae do not appear to be as long nor as widely separated from each other as in O. nodosa ; 3. the distalmost oral papilla is often large and flap like in O. anomala but long and flattened like the other papillae in O. nodosa ; 4. the shape of the oral shields differs in O. anomala where it is rounded pentagonal with a rounded to obtuse proximal angle , straight lateral sides and a straight or slightly rounded distal edge , in O. nodosa it is a more ornate pentagonal shape with an obtuse proximal angle , slightly indented lateral sides and a rounded distal edge or one with a slight median projection ; 5. the ventral arm spines of O. anomala are slightly rugose with small or no secondary points doing the shaft ; those of O. nodosa have very prominent secondary points along the shaft ; 6. the ventral arm plates of O. anomala appear to be narrow and less axehead shaped than O. nodosa .
13 Michael Smith was found slumped over the wheel of his blood-spattered Mercedes with a torn up photograph of Andria Horton on the seat beside him .
14 It begins with a fluttering in the mould and rot of the leaf litter .
15 Steve Hancock then created a superb opportunity for Ray Caci with a brilliant through ball which beat the Barlaston defence , only for the forward to thunder his shot against the bar .
16 Backed by just one woman trainee officer she confronted the suspect in alley off Lawrence Road , the scene of an attack in December 1991 that left her with a smashed up face .
17 Unsuitable for those with a personal of family history of strokes , heart attacks or raised blood pressure , and some diabetics .
18 They produce a picture showing some of the r and b parameter values ( with a fixed at a = 10 ) for which homoclinic orbits to the origin can be seen .
19 A capacitor made of concentric cylinders has an inner radius a , outer radius b , and length l. it is filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity
20 In his comprehensive Apples Of England , Dr Taylor states that ‘ In England this variety only reaches full maturity in years of hot summers , ’ and goes on to say that ‘ Indeed , November- December-picked Sturmers are the best , ’ and , with a basket-full of fine specimens picked for the first time ever in the latter month , I agree .
21 Zipped up the inside , and with a squared off toe , it was the last word in futuristic chic that was to be adapted and toned down for the mass market .
22 The k , n and A are fixed parameters , with A corresponding to the maximum actual value of X. The equation is derived from both empirical and biological arguments .
23 Professional Russell Adams rounded off his season with a splendid during his side 's innings of for seven against Lurgan at Shane Park on Saturday .
24 In Peru , up-and-coming executives use a period of employment with a multinational as a form of training in the methods and values of big business and then may shift to employment with state or private Peruvian firms or go into business on their own ( Becker 1983 ) .
25 Replace old front door locks with five-lever mortise locks ( which conform to BS3621 ) , or a surface-mounted lock with a lockable inside handle .
26 Why did he follow J R Ewing , the epitome of 1980s TV , with a western about a gunfighter turned foster father ?
27 A visit to Helmsley town and castle ( where walkers can take up the Cleveland Way long-distance footpath ) , with a stop-off at Rievaulx Abbey , makes for an enjoyable outing .
28 This was certainly brought home to me when , by taking the long way round Australia this year , i.e. buying a round the world ticket to the Australian Open , rather than a straight forward London–Melbourne return , with a stop-off in Sydney for the New South Wales Open , I saved The Daily Telegraph , which is naturally as cost conscious as any other company in these difficult financial times , a considerable amount of money .
29 This means it will be difficult to implement servers or distributed applications with a high-level of security or be compatible with systems that do and there will only be very limited interoperability between NT and DCE applications .
30 Edouard de Chavigny did : he was a fine athlete , with a blue for cricket , and had taken so well to rowing that , even though a late starter , he had narrowly missed selection for the Oxford eight .
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