Example sentences of "with few [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 receiving secondary education was checked by the presence of a divisive system of private education with few parallels in other countries .
2 The surrounding volcanic cones are gently sloping with few gullies to the south , but increasingly steep and heavily gullied towards the north .
3 While some checklists may simply identify a list of ‘ useful linguistic skills ’ which may serve as a selection menu with few constraints on the sequence in which separate items are taught , those which are based on a developmental sequence place strong constraints on the selection of teaching objectives .
4 A wealthy lifestyle is likely to be reflected in a site yielding many finds of high quality ; sites with few finds of a consistently poor quality suggest a relatively low standard of living .
5 It is a piece with few reasons to be a film , and mercifully few pretensions to cinematic status .
6 He speaks softly and very reflectively , with few flights of passion .
7 The genus as a whole shares its virtuous qualities with few others in the marine aquarium hobby .
8 It also seems that it might be helpful if teachers were aware of those among their pupils with particularly unsupportive home lives , that is , with few sources outside school from which they might derive a sense of their own value .
9 Macao 's economy has weathered the turmoil in China with few signs of damage .
10 The sandhills of Squires Gate Lane with few signs of civilisation , although the scrolled bracket poles lend a touch of elegance .
11 Despite a week of little rain the crystalline waters flowed well with plenty of power over countless drops , grade II–III to start , through rolling unspoilt countryside with few signs of habitation .
12 Carter entered office on a wave of enthusiasm , yet with few signs of a clear policy .
13 In a country the size of Zambia , with few telephones in rural areas and few reporters based anywhere outside the few major towns , it is impossible to check such a story speedily .
14 The Chart parser thus fulfills the architectural requirements outlined above and , in addition , reflects the paring down of the graph-searching task to its barest requirements with few restrictions on how the graph should be constructed and explored .
15 The panel is not cut down though it may have had an adjoining predella and lunette with few areas of paint loss , and the intensity of the original pigments preserved .
16 The conditions for a girl friendly school may be more difficult to bring about , for it would seem that teachers must be openly and visibly concerned about equality before pupils will change their choices ; schools with traditional norms , limited or formal communication channels , and with few women in senior positions will be much slower to adapt to changed female expectations .
17 Groups with few functions of this kind ( such as technicians , scientists , teachers or many professionals ) are distinguished as potential allies of the working class in promoting socialism .
18 Girls with few friends in childhood report more abuse , though this may be an effect of abuse and not a risk factor .
19 When he died , after their long absences abroad , she was left with few friends in England .
20 Much of the structure survives with few alterations in its appearance since then .
21 Sarah came through the first week of marriage with few hopes of real happiness , though she was pleased enough with her elevated circumstances .
22 it was the one I used to and meet , mess about with few cracks with us .
23 Dundee is an area of high unemployment , with few jobs to be had .
24 The greater part of Somerset House consists of small rooms off corridors , with few interiors of spectacular interest .
25 transition to turbulence is often inherently different from transition to chaos in simple systems ( i.e. systems with few degrees of freedom are not a good guide to those with very many )
26 Born n 1939 he lived in Sighthill , an estate on the city fringe with few facilities for anything but basic living .
27 Those sympathetic to industrial and agricultural interests seek a ‘ hands off ’ policy , with few impediments to productivity .
28 Some urban estates , partly as a result of allocation policies , are effectively one-class areas with few examples of success , clearly labelled by their architecture and appearance is distinct from the rest of society .
29 However , in terms of provenance it is also relatable to the development of the residual lozenge patterns which possess " L " shapes around a central , square panel ; like the latter , the distribution of the quincunx arrangements is predominantly eastern , with few examples in the West Country .
30 The mixed-farming central area differed from the north-west corner mainly in having rather fewer poor , even on the prime wheatlands of Chelmsford and Ongar hundreds , but , with few men of the richest sort , average wealth was lower , especially towards the north .
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