Example sentences of "with few [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In her private apartments the Empress dressed simply , usually in black , with few or no jewels , for contrary to public belief , she was not particularly fond of clothes and dressed up only when her role demanded it .
2 The sample was obtained by selecting one in five of the 42 per cent of people who left school in Scotland in 1977–8 with few or no qualifications ( i.e. without at least a grade O in the Scottish Certificate of Education ) .
3 Filter manufacturers ' recommendations are still based on tanks with few or no plants .
4 Those from an unskilled manual working class background left with few or no qualifications and emerged into manual jobs with a ‘ careerless ’ orientation .
5 A study of 79 London mothers aged 16–19 in late pregnancy confirmed that they are still usually of working class status with few or no qualifications and little chance of career-type employment .
6 In 1947 over half the mornings and one-third of the evenings were owned by companies with few or no other newspaper interests elsewhere .
7 The findings of our survey can be summarised to produce the following picture of the typical ‘ officially known ’ Wirral heroin user : a young , unemployed , single person ( usually male ) , living with his or her family in a socially deprived area , with few or no educational qualifications .
8 Open-field farming , with few or no hedges must have produced a very bare landscape , totally lacking in visual interest which the great modern prairie farms of East Anglia have actually re-created in the last few decades .
9 Like his father , Smith was fond of gambling on horses , though with marked lack of success ; he shared this propensity with few or no other deans of Christ Church .
10 These disparities are largely attributed to poor educational attainment — too many people leaving at the statutory school leaving age with few or no qualifications , too few continuing their education and too few entering higher education .
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