Example sentences of "with an [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm quite prepared to take a big reduction in salary while we experiment with an 18 or 16-club Premier League .
2 The rules of criminal law always end with an undefined and indefinable ‘ unless … ’ clause .
3 Later we explained about the difficulties of being a single parent ; of financial strain , of the unsatisfactory life for a young child of being in a day-nursery from early morning till evening , and returning with an exhausted and lonely mother to a one-roomed flat .
4 Crowe , with an unbeaten and classy 47 , was Man of the Match as the Kiwis won by six wickets .
5 But even as men enter into relations of honourable alliance with each other , it is with an unspoken but ever-present understanding : ‘ I do n't desire you , I desire to be like you ’ .
6 Jack was tall and strong , a ball-winner , always constructive and eager to set his forwards in motion with an accurate and penetrative pass .
7 Mother smiled and added to my humiliation by reading its contents out loud : ‘ Miss Salmon displays an uncommon capacity for hard work which , combined with an inquiring and intuitive mind , should augur well for her future at Bedford College .
8 With an assured and calmly poised new backing singer , a new bod on keyboards and Mr C and Colin Angus at the helm , the Scottish explorers keep developing .
9 Whitehouse 's was not primarily an attack on homosexuals : it was in the first instance an attack on the imputation of a sexual context to Christ 's death ; in the second it was a confrontation with an anti-Christian and , to her , sexually-obsessed society , and it was this latter symbolic aspect to the events of the blasphemy trial which was the main point .
10 It is obviously easier to make an appointment with an individual than organize a group , although once a format programme has been decided , handouts printed , and a venue organized , most of the other organizational tasks can be carried out by clerical and secretarial staff .
11 The phenomenon of certain mundane objects becoming so firmly associated with an individual that they are understood as literal extensions of that individual 's being was discussed in some detail by Levy-Bruhl ( 1966 : 100–27 ) .
12 Is there a relationship with an individual or group at work where this principle applies to you ?
13 They may also start with an individual and search for a location .
14 Personally run by the Ludovici family , here there are just 30 rooms so it is easy to provide guests with an individual and attentive service .
15 Solos come with an elasticated and drawcord waist , cut to length legs , two side pockets and a zipped rear pocket , and a baggy cut which allows you to climb , scramble and walk without restriction .
16 A pair of racing shoes could lift your performance or leave you with an appealing but unnecessary extravagance .
17 If the girl avoids becoming trapped , through an unwanted pregnancy , into an unsatisfactory lifestyle with an unsupportive or absent marital partner , she may still break out of the adverse chain of events .
18 Thousands of people had been presented with an alternative and had decided according to an inner inspiration .
19 Winners They were the clever deal makers with an impeccable and infallible sense of timing
20 Recurrent MIs were studied in 26 of our patients ; 11 with an anterior and 15 with an inferior infarction .
21 Between these two ridges the fire of the sunset falls along the trough of the sea , dyeing it with an awful but glorious light , the intense and lurid splendour which burns like gold , and bathes like blood .
22 Assessing this potential helps the practitioner to decide how best to work with an elder when some breakdown in routine occurs .
23 Through the government 's own policies , therefore , Siberia was well supplied with an experienced and committed cohort of exiled revolutionary activists when revolution itself , followed by civil war , swept across the country during and after 1917 .
24 It is also a moment of generalisation for the twenty-one-year-old second mate who on this voyage from Australia , carrying grain and bent on winning the famous gain-race , had had to contend with an arrogant and hostile captain and who had cast off his boat , after a collision in the dark had given a mortal blow to the Blackgauntlet and he had waited in vain for orders .
25 Two or three times , during the past few days , she had caught herself blaming Alida Thorne bitterly , but had pulled herself up short , for she had no experience of life alone with an elderly and ailing dependent , she could not say , I would never do such a thing , because how did anyone know ?
26 Katie Mitchell 's revival sets this strictly moral tale of wrongdoing in a very Christian context in which everyone behaves with an irritating and folksy religiosity .
27 A Liverpool friend remembered him as ‘ a tall spare man with alert eyes and a very beautiful voice , but with an ironic and often unkind humour about his contemporaries ’ .
28 Unfortunately , your dog will soon come to associate its whining with an immediate and affirmative response on your part .
29 These are fictions about experimenting with an impecunious and occasionally feckless life of adventure , and then giving it up .
30 For everyone with an addictive and self-destructive problem , absolute honesty is vital .
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