Example sentences of "with which [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 With precious little to celebrate , and even less money with which to do it , many have stopped drinking champagne altogether .
2 He is a man with something to say and an immense intellect with which to say it .
3 If the colonial culture was to go , there had to be something with which to replace it .
4 It is difficult to find another film with which to compare it ; Mr Rivette virtually hypnotises his audience .
5 I consider the most likely candidate for forgery is therefore an unknown cylinder or an unknown acetate disc — in other words , a one-off , which would be difficult to compare with the genuine article , because there would be nothing with which to compare it .
6 He described pre-1914 espionage as ‘ capital sport ’ , but was given few resources with which to pursue it .
7 Equally , if someone has lost his sense of Christ 's presence , he will need more than bare historical facts with which to rediscover it .
8 Once Quote for the Day has been unpacked , it 's on the hard disk , but I have n't got an icon with which to run it .
9 The UK Committee on the Safety of Medicines regularly provides General Practitioners with questionnaires with which to inform it of any irregularities encountered in the use of new , but already licensed , drugs .
10 Where desire has been returned to us , it is in the shape of a ‘ masculine ’ libido which fits us very badly , and even then we have no vocabulary with which to express it .
11 The first summer of John James ' control saw the company with neither cloth to make up winter clothes nor money with which to buy it .
12 This just illustrates my point : How can we know what is real , independent of a theory or model with which to interpret it ?
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