Example sentences of "with the other [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It did n't seem too distressed by life in the aviary with the other birds , although I imagine it was all a bit of a come-down for this once proud and merciless hunter of the skies .
2 But for comparability with the other approaches , we retain the idea of a realm of political activity capable of determining state policy .
3 But the theory of global class struggle is basically incompatible with the other approaches because it deprecates the significance of the political conflicts within liberal democracies .
4 But we do wish to point out how sharply the transnationalist challenge breaks with the other approaches that have dominated the subject .
5 Moreover , verbs that involve the same primitive automatically have the same case frame , eliminating the duplication of effort seen with the other approaches .
6 The County Council 's environmental consultants had said of the inner northern routes , rather than damaging an irrepr irreplaceable sensitive landscape as could happen with the other routes , the inner northern route could be seen as a means of improving the landscape .
7 Not one of the little piece picking a little piece out , but an overall assessment and this was produced for the County Council by their environmental consultants and was specifically referred to in the County Surveyor and I think County Planning Officer 's joint report , and that er assessment said , rather than damaging an an irreplaceable , sensitive landscape as could happen with the other routes , the inner northern route could be seen as a means of improving the landscape .
8 It comes about simply through each gene being selected by virtue of its compatibility with the other genes that already happen to dominate the population .
9 Maybe it had something to do with the other dreams — the dreams of dead , dark lands and of huge , brilliant webs , stretched out like stringed beads , burning in the darkness of the sky .
10 The young composer called out of his electronic cocoon after a performance and taking his bows with the other musicians , a rare grin on his sweating face .
11 At night we gather in the bar before hitting the nightspots of Lloret 's West End , or getting together with the other hotels for a party or disco night .
12 to agree with the other Divisions the core service specification , procurement and management they will wish to retain in-house ;
13 On a couple of goals Dorigo had been dragged right in beyond the centre of the pitch , with the other defenders no-where , and where did Speed get to , it is part of his job to help/cover the left back .
14 As with the other pumps in the range , the VS 160 comes with five metres of supply cable to make installation that much easier .
15 Heat through gently , mixing thoroughly with the other ingredients .
16 The authorities did not intend to give peasants legal parity with the other estates of the realm , but to continue treating them as a separate estate .
17 It was the same with the other teachers too .
18 No Friday lunchtime at the pub with the other teachers , no beer , no snack foods , definitely no chips .
19 Inevitably , this has brought them into competition for limited resources with the other activities of the polytechnics and colleges .
20 Comparison of this drawing with the other ones in this planning section will reveal that the linking curves are facing the other way .
21 They do n't they do n't smell so bad compared with the other ones do you want one Dad ?
22 So he gives him a pint of water , he goes and sits with the other ones .
23 Thus the ego is not capable of successful integration with the other components of the psychic apparatus .
24 Net migration ( i.e. I - E ) for the period between censuses is easily obtained by subtraction of the natural increase ( B - D ) from the change in total population but will be subject to considerable error in comparison with the other components of change .
25 Whenever she was free from the brewing she hurried up to the bower to spin with the other women .
26 Meanwhile I found other knitting groups right in ‘ my ’ province and took Arune with me to talk with the other women in it in the hope that they could answer the questions that I could n't .
27 But Adam ignored her , glancing round at Fand , who approached now with the other Women .
28 He had found a niche at once with the men , but she told Julia that she had been unhappy for months , struggling with the other women to force local villagers to disgorge food , humping it back up to the camp and preparing it under extraordinarily difficult conditions .
29 Luke , she knew , would be occupied for a long time yet , drinking coffee with the other women , talking over the day , helping to cement working relationships for the future .
30 We can recognise a ‘ dull load ’ as a sign of indigestion through its being located in the stomach , since previous stomach-located ‘ dull loads ’ have occurred in conjunction with the other things which go to make up indigestion .
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