Example sentences of "with the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Over the years since the granting of the Royal Charter in 1948 , honorary graduates , starting with the first Chancellor , Lord Trent , have included politicians , musicians , men and women of letters , scientists , industrialists , lawyers , sporting personalities , all subsequent Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors and several long-serving senior employees of the University .
2 However , this represents the shape of things to come , with the first type increasingly in the ascendancy aided and abetted by the demand for cheap food and the agricultural policies of successive governments aimed at ensuring the expansion of home production .
3 We begin with the first type of study .
4 The difference is that with the first type , the innocent party , though entitled to damages , must still perform his part of the bargain , whereas with a repudiatory breach he may , in addition to claiming damages , regard himself as discharged from his obligations under the contract .
5 When the seller exercises his right of resale — whether under subsection ( 3 ) or under subsection ( 4 ) , the contract with the first buyer is thereby rescinded .
6 All other things being equal , there will be a higher probability of a random overlap with the first candidate than with the second .
7 Also , I felt I 'd dealt with the first layer and although I was well aware that there were subsequent layers , I thought I would deal with them at some later date .
8 Treaty in conjunction with the First Council Directive of 11 May 1960 for the implementation of article 67 of the E.E.C .
9 Treaty , I can deal relatively briefly with the question of their compatibility with the First Council Directive of 11 May 1960 for the implementation of article 67 of the E.E.C .
10 Can you deal with inflation while bringing in the market , or should you deal with the first problem first ?
11 To start with the first problem : How can a relatively simple and compact theory give rise to a universe that is as complex as the one we observe , with all its trivial and unimportant details ?
12 Together with the first harvest sheaf hanging beside the icon for its protective magic , these are reminders that our peasant lives in several cultural times simultaneously , one of them embedded deep in the pagan past , another in the religious present , a third focused on the trip she is about to take to the town of Roslavl' .
13 He said : ‘ The new season does not start until October but we will be holding our own practice matches before then , starting with the first event on 17 June at the big pool at Barlaston .
14 After a week in Lerwick the work there and the night life began to lose its attraction and with the first lull in the weather we poked our nose out of the north end of Bressay Sound — and wished we had not .
15 So let's start with the first mouthful and work our way down the whole digestive tract , to explain fully the marvellous benefits of this new slimming method .
16 This was standard with the First Church .
17 Ben capped this with the first ascent of the roof right of Psycho .
18 Also , while I have the chance , could I point out that in spite of the FRCC guide crediting me with the first ascent of the bolt ladder route named Fiery Cross ( Dry Grasp ) on Upper Falcon Crag , it has nothing to do with me or B. Henderson , listed as my second .
19 Add a word that begins with a different letter but rhymes with the first word .
20 Add a word that begins with a different letter but rhymes with the first word .
21 How little pacifist or humanitarian feeling was behind such notions is revealed by the concluding remark that ‘ it is only worth while waging war if the enemy can be destroyed with the first blow , which we did not manage . ’
22 He also submitted that it was essential that a jury should reach a rational conclusion by a rational process of thought , and he further submitted that it was wholly irrational for them in effect to hold that the first appellant did not act in concert with the second appellant , but that the second appellant acted in concert with the first appellant .
23 The remainder of this section is concerned with the first route .
24 He stayed with the first secretary , H. A. R. Philby , who had promised to keep an eye on him .
25 To soften the blow , then , we 're giving away a special 100-page C64 Tips Book with the first issue , as well as the two tapes ( which 'll feature the excellent Continental Circus AND Gemini Wing among others ! ) , and all for the regular price of just £2.95 !
26 With the first issue she hitched north to York and on to Hull , where the students were occupying the campus in solidarity with the May Events at first , but rapidly in pursuit of ‘ One Man — One Vote ’ within the university .
27 With the first issue of Time Out finished , Elliott went back to It .
28 The reduction in ozone concentration at altitudes between 12 and 25 km ( figure 6.6 ) begins with the first sunlight of the Antarctic spring in late August and is greatest through September and October .
29 He was rewarded with the first Presidency of the BDDA and was reelected for a total period of twenty-eight years .
30 Only with the first man had she got this wrong .
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