Example sentences of "with her [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What 's this ah , bottle — violets , ’ she scrabbled with her not quite clean hands in the basket and took out Mervyn 's bottle and John 's violets .
2 would also recognise that we 've done it with her not purely and simply just because we 've been down .
3 She had to admit , however , both to herself and to Tempy , that she was delighted when old Lady Lassiter moved to the Dower House , taking with her not only her maid , but also one or two of the older servants .
4 She could only look on Roirbak as some kind of doctor who would be dealing with her intimately shortly .
5 That 's just what I 'd like with her right now — congress thought Bobby wistfully , and adjusted his bandaged limbs more comfortably under the bedclothes .
6 Her heart ached to have him with her right now , but that was a futile hope , born of despair .
7 He was angry with her right now , but that was because he did n't understand , he had n't seen what she had seen !
8 Because often I would be alone with her up there : not like other children , having to come down to the drawing-room at five o'clock , brought by nurse , on their best behaviour .
9 When she smiled that big smile with her slightly too big mouth and too many very white teeth it was as if the explosion was starting to blow the top of her head off .
10 The only thing I could do was discuss with her yet again the best way to express our case .
11 She then returns to full consciousness with her past subtly changed .
12 I saw a strange little person with her just now .
13 She has a friend with her just now . ’
14 She stared away from them and up beyond the cage towards the grey sky , and Creggan saw in her eyes a longing and a hope that he sensed had been with her all her long life , and was with her even now when he saw she was so near death .
15 He avoided contact with her even more these days , she noticed .
16 Your parent 's agreement should be obtained too , if possible , for arrangements to be made for someone suitable to come and spend a day or evening with her regularly so that you can go out .
17 As for Irina , Franca could not , and did not try to , make her out , but got on with her perfectly well .
18 The girl , Lorna , announced her intention of applying for a transfer : ‘ I do n't know how you 've stuck it with her so long , I really do n't . ’
19 I could have looked after her and been with her so much longer then , not just a few months , not just at the end ! ’
20 But even if I 'd thought , it would n't have seemed right to go poking and prying with her only just dead .
21 Yes , it was real , it was happening : sitting with her back straight and her head up in the carriage on the way back , she thought how proud her father would have been to see her at the centre of all this pomp and splendour , and found herself mentally comparing his craggy looks and red beard with Joãs clean-shaven face and small , manicured hands .
22 Yes , yes well we ca n't talk you see , we do n't know , we do n't know what 's happening , but she 's been suffering a lot with her back just now and she put that off you know that because she 's not attending the meetings , she ca n't sit , and if she comes to the meetings she ca n't sit down , she stands up , props herself against the wall and stand up right at the back so , we do n't know you see
23 Phoebe was still asleep beside her , curled up and with her back close to her daughter 's : Maggie enjoyed the moment of comfort , adding it dreamily to the shadow that was also there .
24 With her back still turned to Marianne , Shae frowned , puzzled .
25 With her back still turned to him , she grimaced wryly at her own fancifulness .
26 If you swear that her little one-off has so turned you against her that you could n't possibly bear to live with her any longer , you 'll get your divorce .
27 I had to because , apart from anything else , I did n't feel I could share a bed with her any longer .
28 He would n't bother with her any more .
29 Do n't you play with her any more ?
30 And I remembered Nina , his mother , with her long straight blonde hair .
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