Example sentences of "with her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His ship was turned into a minesweeper in the war , and he went down with her off the east coast .
2 Belle 's sister Lil went with her as a companion for the long journey .
3 Jean Campbell , in 1817 , was an uneducated deaf person without any speech who could only write the initials of her name in reverse order , eg. C.J. She was an unmarried woman who had three children by different men , one of whom at the time of her arrest in April 1817 had been living with her as a common law husband but who had a few days earlier taken off the ring that he had given to her and which she wore on her finger in the fashion of a married woman , and had left home .
4 You can do it with her as a witness .
5 It was as if he was very concerned with her as a person .
6 Shafts of sunlight gleamed through the avenue of trees , warming the air so that she felt no need to wear the jacket she had brought with her as a precaution against the temperamental nature of Danish weather , holding it casually instead over one arm , perfectly comfortable in the same linen dress she had worn the previous evening .
7 The blue eyes studied her lazily in the mirror , and she had the strangest sensation he was toying with her as a cat would a mouse before a kill .
8 Harriet carried the memory around with her as an image of horror , like the sickness in her own body .
9 I count the years I had with her as the best of my life .
10 ‘ H.B. was cross with her about the cat . ’
11 Better have a word with her about the domestic arrangements .
12 I have phoned Sarah many times and had long talks with her about the welfare of goats .
13 He also wishes to engage in a good argument with her about the nature of the character .
14 Well she she told me that your M E type symptoms had got a lot worse and I said that 's we had at That 's what I chatted with her about the other day but
15 Another leapt off the ironing-board where there was a warm blanket and both went with her into the sitting-room where they settled expectantly in front of the unlit fire .
16 She kicked out at him as he covered her body with his but he held her tight and rolled with her into the protection of the trees .
17 ‘ Now th'can go out , ’ he said and went with her into the shadow-filled yard ; one long arm guiding her with relentless force past the lighted windows of the inn , past the well and a small cart , past James Lambert walking shakily towards the back door of the inn , to a dark corner behind a group of empty ale kegs .
18 I flew with her into the bush , to land on a tiny crushed-pumice airstrip laid along a mountain ridge .
19 She had fed the precious child herself and carried it with her into the fields , watching it as she wielded a hoe or sickle , tears of weakness and fatigue often coursing down her dusty cheeks .
20 Then , glancing up and seeing her face , unexpectedly got up , as quick and full of energy as he had just been lethargic ( but it was the energy of anger ) and came out with her into the hall , where Philip , frail as a leaf , was standing by the great dark-grey water tank .
21 Mutely he blessed her for the information and , after quickly slaking his appetite , he was drawn — as if he had no will of his own — to the pothouse , where he picked up Joanna , went out with her into the fields , and made love with a sweating savagery which seemed to satisfy even her and delivered him of a madness which had gathered like an abscess .
22 So she asked Curtis and Mrs Files — who had been watching Delia Sutherland 's reaction from the service door — to come with her into the morning room where she explained the situation as frankly as possible .
23 She took out the tin box of letters and carried it back with her into the kitchen .
24 Then she saw the woman 's arms reach out from the doorway and pull the man back to her , and take him with her into the shadows again .
25 There are cases where , from an economic point of view , the marriage valuables represent the purchase of a husband by the bride rather than vice versa , and the general European pattern , which is met with in many other parts of the world , is for the principal payment to be the bride 's " dowry " , a set of assets which she brings with her into the marriage as a part of her inheritance from her own kin .
26 As she moved to push him away , he stepped with her into the lift , pressed the button for her floor , and , as the lift doors closed , he pulled her closer and aimed a kiss at her mouth .
27 If you were to come yourself Lily or the child 's Father I could not stand in your way whatever my feelings which are strong , but to hand over my Precious little one to a Young and Foreign girl who spoke his only language poorly that I could not do and send him with her on a dangerous voyage most frightening to him .
28 She is the 21-year-old actress from Grange Hill who went for an audition with Mr Winner , and , seven months after he had had his way with her on a regular basis , got dumped .
29 He suddenly remembered writing cheery lewd limericks with her on a train to Yugoslavia , and worrying about the possibility of her getting pregnant there with the child he longed for , bothering about the bad doctors and the heat .
30 She will be with her on every life-saving mission , she will see the final fulfilment of hundreds of people 's work each time a life is saved at sea .
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