Example sentences of "with him [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He carried with him a memory of the perplexed , thoughtful look on her face .
2 ‘ I went out with him a couple of times when I was at the Sorbonne . ’
3 ‘ I went out with him a couple of times .
4 Old Parnham knows the count from past times and had dinner with him a couple of days ago .
5 The passengers returned well before eight o'clock in very good spirits , Mercer bringing with him a porter wheeling a case of highly superior bubbles for toasting the Unwins , success .
6 It was also clear , however , that on this point he would be unable to carry with him a majority of his colleagues . ’
7 He took with him a recording of the female whales at play which he made off the Azores as part of his post-graduate efforts to analyse sperm whale sounds .
8 We 've experimented with him a bit over the years , and I think we 've got it about right now . ’
9 Yeah , he was in agony there , so any way carry him to the toilet , sat him on the toilet and sort of sat there with him a bit trying to make him go a wee , cos I thought perhaps he full bladder and could n't
10 As a little boy , Adam had sometimes been sent up here in the morning to fetch the letters and the paper , carrying with him a wicker bottle-basket for the milk .
11 He brought with him a bottle of his own herbal remedy for fevers and scarcely looked at the baby before worrying about his fee .
12 Dr Jaffery had with him a proof of the new translation of Inayat Khan 's Shah Jehan Nama while I had brought a leather-bound copy of Bernier 's Travels .
13 Reflecting Germany 's special relationship with Israel German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher visited the country on Jan. 24-25 , bringing with him a promise to provide DM250,000,000 in humanitarian aid .
14 He had left Russia soon after the Revolution and brought with him a choir of émigré singers ; they called themselves the Don-Kosaken-Chor .
15 Complying with her appeal , Dada abandoned his kedgeree and , sucking his moustache inwards always with him a sign of annoyance he picked up the viburnum , still with its precious burden , opened the bottom sash of a long window , and flung out the double butterfly as viciously as if it had been a slug in the salad .
16 They caught up with him a mile or so away at the Plough Inn .
17 Unknown to the teacher he had taken with him a test tube of the acid to test its reaction with lavatory paper .
18 Monboddo led them in , saying that since he was dressed like a farmer , they should have with him a farmer 's family dinner .
19 On another occasion he brought with him a constable and several others , saying " I shall make you leave your Singing " .
20 The capricious blaze , devouring the easiest fuel , hissed between them and drove them apart , and Isambard came leaping through it , grinning like a demon and bringing with him a shower of sparks and the smoky , scorching odour of hell .
21 Whenever he 's away , Fred says he takes with him a Gucci washbag packed with what he considers to be the essential medication for the business traveller .
22 He commandeth you to weep ; and that princely One , who took up to heaven with Him a man 's heart to be a compassionate High Priest , became your fellow companion on earth , by weeping for the dead ( John 11.35 ) . ’
23 10 A passenger travelling by boat from Jamaica to Trinidad was told he can only take with him a case of volume 8m3 .
24 He had brought with him a wealth of experience and he shared many a story of his love of the outdoors .
25 He brings with him a wealth of experience and for our part , we assure him of our loyal support ’ .
26 Kozyrev , who brought with him a cargo of food and medicine , congratulated mujaheddin leaders on toppling the Najibullah regime .
27 Van had brought with him a microwave oven , enough basic food supplies to open a supermarket , American toilet paper , American Kleenex , French mineral water , and a host of other civilising supplies .
28 When Franz Gall , phrenology 's founding father and Spurzheim 's teacher in Vienna , visited England in 1823 he brought with him a selection of some 3000 skulls , plus drawings of the great men of the past .
29 ‘ May I stay with him a while ? ’ he requested .
30 So the missionary had to try to take the place of the doctor and the nurse , and had to keep with him a stock of basic medicines — iodine , castor oil , Epsom salts , santonin ( for worms ) , quinine tablets for malaria , and a plentiful supply of aspirin in which the village people seemed to have a great faith .
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