Example sentences of "with [pers pn] so that " in BNC.

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1 I take the key worker with me so that they have somebody right from the beginning , somebody that they know .
2 I have my camera with me so that I can take some photographs . ’
3 Some of the men had brought ropes and small axes with them so that , while they were in the forest , they could carry back a load of firewood rather than returning empty-handed if they did n't get the boar .
4 The child needs to learn how and why to use a potty and parents may need to be encouraged to take their child to the lavatory with them so that the child can imitate what happens , have a potty around , tell the child what it is for , and encourage him or her to get used to it by sitting on it .
5 I traded with them so that the young girls of the country would no longer shrink from me in revulsion , ’ he said , and there was a lick of sensuality in the hissing voice now .
6 And maybe somebody would come to your door and say their wee boy or their girl was making their first communion , and they were in dire straights and could n't buy anything for them , and you would more or less have to give them your book to help them out , but you would go with them so that they did n't go over the score and get just exactly what that wain needed , you know , and just hope that they had enough money to pay you at the end of the quarter , you know .
7 Indeed , it was necessary for the Government to carry the management of those companies with them so that any radical measures to expose the industries to serious restructuring or competition were not on the agenda .
8 The seven points relevant to the Godhead are that he is true ; that he is everlasting truth — " stedefast & sothefast " ; that Jesus is God 's Son and equal with his Father ; that the Holy Ghost came from both of them and is equal with them so that in God there are three aspects or powers ; that this Trinity is the source of all creativity : that all believers share in the sacraments and are the Church within which lies salvation ; that at judgement day all will rise up , body and soul together , and go either to hell or heaven depending on whether they have done evil or good .
9 So what I was gon na say was , that , that partic , partic er participant observations typically involves actually living with the , the study for a fair amount of time , so erm although they might tell you a pack of lies initially you can actually observe what they 're like , what they do and see whether they fit what they 've said and as time goes on you ha hope to develop some kind of rapport with them so that they might totally understand .
10 But there was no mockery , and she shared the fun , the edges of her meanings meshing with his so that he must have felt her ecstasy but somehow there was no embarrassment .
11 Take a pair of binoculars with you so that when you spot surface activity in a distant area you can use them to confirm or otherwise that it is bream which are the cause .
12 If you are living away from home you should bring your NHS card with you so that you may register with a doctor .
13 I 've committed myself to writing some notes on it in cooperation with you so that we can take them back to the group next week to discuss with the others .
14 You may have the carriage all day and take Lyddy with you so that there will be no difficulty about dressing — ’
15 Er and if if they would work they did n't want money for it but they would stay a while with you so that they would get their bed for the night and they would get their grub .
16 Er , there is a a little orange leaflet which has been placed on the seats during the day that many of you , I hope , already have er , for anyone who has n't may I perhaps place these on the front table , there 's a the , there 's another supply over there and , could I please ask that some responsible representative from each district would please take a few more of these away with you so that they are distributed in district meetings in the near future , and attention drawn to them there er , if there are not enough copies er , then I 'm sure the provincial office on receiving a , a request from you will make sure there 's more that passed on to you .
17 The Woman turned , pulling the whole of the little group round with her so that they faced the house , towards the mirror which hung over the sofa .
18 The experience of being molested once as a child and then a man jumping in her car at 21 yrs and her running away remained with her so that she has persistent fear of being attacked and the sense of someone being behind her .
19 A frog asked a princess to take him to bed with her so that he could turn into a fairy prince .
20 Her feet went ; she scrambled and sat down , dragging him with her so that his body stooped in a low bow like some subservient courtier .
21 With an effort , she drove from her mind the thought of the return journey , filling it instead with the experience of the moment , absorbing the sights , the impressions and sensations , storing them in her brain , wishing she had a notebook with her so that she could record them in all their vividness and immediacy .
22 I think she would of liked it er if her son was with her , she would really of liked him to be with her so that , cos she said he , he owns half the house
23 He tried to pull Caspar with him so that they would be hidden by a tree , but Caspar hung back barking .
24 They had both been so kind , caring and helpful during the whole of Nigel 's illness — staying with him so that I could get out to shop and have a break , taking him to his hospital appointments because their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable for him , and in dozens of other , smaller but no less important ways .
25 I ask you to break that pledge you made with him so that he may marry me , the mother of his children . ’
26 erm There 's always an ambivalence in the relationship between governors and schools in that , in order to have a good relationship with a head , you need to be on friendly terms with him so that the head , or her , so that the head will communicate with the governors .
27 Choose the protection which you feel best suits you , then train with it so that you become use to any constrictions it causes .
28 He grabbed at the barrel and fell with it so that the power of the big man was added to his own strength .
29 ‘ a person who signs a document , and parts with it so that it may come into other hands , has a responsibility , that of the normal man of prudence , to take care what he signs , which , if neglected , prevents him from denying his liability under the document according to its tenor .
30 So that you feel happy with it so that you , Oh yeah now I understand what he 's talking about .
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