Example sentences of "with [pron] not [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She would get really worried and stroke my forehead and plead with me not to talk about dying .
2 The lawyer said Mrs Kennedy pleaded with them not to gag young Jonathan , who told his assailants he was only six , but they ignored her .
3 In an Exhortation to Released Prisoners they pleaded with them not to pursue their former vices of Folly , Extravagance and Dissipation .
4 To her surprise Broom-Parker had phoned shortly after she 'd returned home , pleading with her not to mention his name to the police .
5 I pleaded with her not to make me do as she asked … ’
6 ‘ Do n't hide it from me , Ruth ! ’ he said huskily , and she knew he was pleading with her not to provoke a violence he could no longer control .
7 Suppose Betty had come with her not to gambol on the blades of grass , not to ask her collaboration in salad-making but to keep an eye on her .
8 ‘ My huband pleaded with her not to tell me .
9 Ecclestone , president of the Formula One Constructors Association , had pleaded with him not to do it and added : ‘ I 'm frightened for him .
10 I pleaded with him not to leave me .
11 Greeting him on his return from battle , she hands him over to his wife with palpable reluctance ; seeking to calm him before his confrontation with the people , she shackles him in an iron grip ; and , in the great plea with him not to sack Rome , she pinpoints the lines about him treading on his mother 's womb ‘ that brought thee to this world ’ .
12 And now what she had to do was maintain her temper at white heat until he had pumped his pleasure into her so that she would not lose her nerve — and possibly her satin — by cringing away from him at that vital last moment — vital for him , fatal perhaps for her — and pleading with him not to make her pregnant .
13 ‘ Another 45,000 guerrillas have secret protocols with us not to fight . ’
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