Example sentences of "with [art] children [prep] " in BNC.

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1 you know if you were pre , you can communicate with the children through that piece of paper
2 The Committee further recommended openness with the children about their genetic origin .
3 The Minister was pictured beaming over his in-laws ' garden gate with the children about whom he had earlier made a plaintive ‘ keep them out of it ’ appeal .
4 ‘ I 've talked with the children about what happened and been open with them .
5 Having been driven with the children into Mondano he had wandered off on his own unexplained concerns .
6 FINDING THINGS to do with the children during the long summer holidays can be a real headache for mums and dads .
7 It can help just to have someone around to talk to , especially if you 're on your own with the children during the day .
8 It appears that the mother would be eligible for financial assistance in returning with the children to Australia , whereas the father and the lady with whom he now lives would have to fund their own travel arrangements to England and to that extent the father would be disadvantaged .
9 But Jannie was used to friends , particularly childless ones , who were good with the children to the point of dedication , and who a month later called Gawain Damian and Damian Adrian , or who sent the six-year-old Gawain a pull-along elephant for his birthday , and gave Damian a velvet party frock , in the belief that he was called Deborah and was a girl .
10 Although my efforts would make Mr Walt Disney cringe , they were popular enough with the children of Navan , and I was soon handing out picture after picture — all free , courtesy of Navan shopping centre .
11 The child of the doctor shares a classroom and a playground with the children of farmers or loggers .
12 Trent had gained from that odyssey a mastery of languages and dialects supported by an education shared both with the children of the social élite and with the riff-raff of the stableyard .
13 They were nevertheless encouraged to play with the children of other service families , instructed to be polite to these less fortunate beings and discouraged from arrogance .
14 The school was an amiable establishment in Somerset which existed largely for the daughters of service and diplomatic families , whose fees were subsidised by the services to ensure that the scions of the officer class need not be tainted by cheek-by-jowl association with the children of other ranks .
15 He had gone to stay during the school holidays with the children of a farmer who was one of his father 's clients .
16 The other , according to the evidence of Firth and his colleagues , is disputes which involve step-relatives , especially the claims of a second spouse by comparison with the children of a first marriage .
17 Siblings of diabetic probands with living parents together with the children of older probands form the subjects in this study .
18 I have to say , in comment to that , I do n't the know the the balance of statistics but I 've been a lone parent for , for ten years now , although I 've I 've pressed button , it was because for ten years of being able to have a stable relationship with my children , I 've got two very stable teenagers and during that , the course of that ten years I 've been disabled person as well , so yes there may be the case that there 's there 's trouble with the children of lone parent families , but I think there 's far too much emphasis on that nowadays !
19 ‘ Goat stinks , ’ said Camille , for it was not so long since she had been frequently taken by Connie to children 's zoos where these creatures — mostly nannies and kids — were considered suitably sized and disposed to mingle briefly with the children of men .
20 The fact that we had met Michael and Janet Roberts came up , and he was moved to explain that , with his growing acquaintanceship with the children of his friends — to several of whom he had become godfather — he had felt the need to adopt some sobriquet less solemn than Uncle .
21 Afterwards Mr Pollock , a hod carrier , said : ‘ It will be with the children for the rest of their lives .
22 Teaching in role requires the teacher to play a role in the drama with the children for a specific purpose .
23 I HAVE a simple , five-point formula for success : ONE — marry a man with domestic skills who will help with the children at weekends .
24 Christmas Day is stockings for the children , breakfast , church and lunch served by liveried footmen and uniformed maids , with the children at a separate table .
25 The tank is popular with the children at the hospital .
26 Only once did she think of Johnny , when , as the morning wore away , one of the mothers , who was sitting reading while father jumped the waves with the children at the water 's edge , closed her book , and spreading a cloth on the sand , began to set out the picnic .
28 Well , she supposed that figured ; after all , she had seen Luke with the children at the sailing club , again revealing that other side of his nature which did n't extend to her …
29 Thanks to the committee members for all their help over the last year and particularly to Graham Espin for many years of enthusiastic effort with the committee , to Ross Hamilton our treasurer for all his hard work , to Mrs Sheila Peterson for her abilities as vice chairman and particularly her talent with the children at our functions , to Miss Netta Gibling who , as ever , provides continuity and expertise as secretary .
30 ‘ I 'm glad to hear that you 've found someone to help you with the children at last , ’ he said , sitting down on the sofa beside her .
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