Example sentences of "with [adj] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 By this time it was the middle of the night and there were no lights showing , so I doubt whether anyone saw me mooning out of the window as we sped past but my car horn has been adapted to play Andrew Lloyd-Webber 's arrangement of Purcell at deafening volume and we had fun with that for a bit .
2 A study by Peters ( 1988 ) showed a similar result comparing subjects ’ memories for a nurse giving them an inoculation with that for a researcher subsequently encountered , they found that face recognition was impaired for the nurse , another result suggesting memory impairment for an arousing event .
3 The improvement in the crystalline organization is obvious from examination of the resulting fusion curves in figure 11.2 , where the variation of specific volume with temperature for this sample is compared with that for a branched polyethylene of low crystallinity .
4 Also briefly discussed are the sale and purchase agreement in so far as it is inconsistent with that for a normal corporate acquisition , and the managers ' service agreements .
5 Er would the factories between them be able to help with that for a spell Er one of the things that I 'm slightly concerned about is if you 've only got old buffers on the stand erm rather than younger people
6 Just walk around with that for an hour or so .
7 However , the gradient in this high reflectance section is comparable with that for the Carboniferous of northwest Germany described by Teichmüller and Teichmüller ( 1981 ) .
8 Overall both Namurian and Visean gradients are comparable with that for the Westphalian minimum uplift composite trend .
9 But , if at the same time as the warrant is issued the issuer undertakes to redeem it , the agreement to redeem the warrant should be considered together with that for the issue of the warrant itself .
10 It is apparent that not only do actual levels of expenditure per head of the elderly population vary greatly between local authorities , but there are also striking differences in the way the money is spent , for example in the level of support provided to the heavily dependent compared with that for the less dependent .
11 I 'd have to live with that for the rest of my life . ’
12 They compared the average mispricing in the near contract during the stock exchange account which included the delivery date , with that in the next near contract for the same period , and with that for the near contract in previous stock exchange accounts .
13 Users of league tables should compare their own setting with that for the source studies included .
14 Proceed as for ( 1 ) , comparing the rank order of the two immature size classes with that for the adults .
15 Meanwhile , site work on the Burdiehouse Section is well advanced with that for the Millerhill and Gilmerton Sections due to start later in 1987 .
16 For example , compare the standard molar enthalpy for the following reaction with that for the reaction represented by equation ( b ) above : In reaction ( b ) above the water formed in the liquid state but in reaction ( c ) it is a gas ( steam ) .
17 Just compare the broadsheet coverage of our conference at the end of September with that for the Law Society 's conference last weekend !
18 Honestly , always was , ver-near Divorce Proceedings every time I went out with emdy for a Campari after the Country Dancing …
19 Applied to problem P1 of Section 8.2 , it gives x 2 l = 7 , x 4 l = 1 , x 43 = 3 , x 45 = 1 and x 46 = 4 , which has a cost of 67 compared with 92 for the initial BFS given in that section .
20 The total was 109,373 compared with 101,107 for the same period last year , said the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders .
21 Stanley Baldwin , the Conservative leader from 1923 , included Cecil in his Government partly , no doubt , to help secure pro-League opinion in what increasingly appeared to be the key question of electoral politics : how to compete with Labour for the ex-Liberal vote .
22 On April 7 the 32-strong UK Conservative group in the EP joined the Christian Democratic European Popular Party ( EPP ) group , bringing its numbers to 162 as compared with 180 for the largest group , the Socialists.The Conservatives had asked to join the EPP group after the 1989 European elections but protracted negotiations had resulted from Belgian , Italian and Netherlands Christian Democrats scepticism about the Conservative commitment to Europe .
23 In the Masters of 1960 he finished with 70 for a total of 283 and celebrated ‘ victory ’ .
24 But users put up with this for a feeling of euphoria and heightened sensitivity .
25 This is because the students will be dealing with this for the first time and this is thought to be a clearer presentation .
26 When the stomachs were perfused with saline for a period of 180 minutes after ethanol , repair of the gastric mucosa was seen in both vehicle and capsaicin pretreated rats ( Fig 3 ) .
27 The price-earnings ratio for larger hardware companies was 19.7 compared with 16.5 for the smaller firms , with total market capitalisation to turnover ratio almost even at 0.73 against 0.78 .
28 In the May 1990 congressional elections the ruling PRSC retained control of the Senate , winning 16 seats , compared with 12 for the Dominican Liberation Party ( Partido de la Liberación Dominicana — PLD ) and two for the Dominican Revolutionary Party ( Partido Revolucionario Dominicano — PRD ) .
29 … a person who has been fortunate to have been connected with Guiding for the past 18 years .
30 Euro Disney at present has some 36 rides and attractions , compared with 45 for the Magic Kingdom in Florida and 53 at Disneyland in California .
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