Example sentences of "with [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The ward nurses will need information from the patient and his family and from other people who may be involved with helping him in the community .
2 ‘ Well over half of the clients that approach IMRS for consolidation software are currently using spreadsheets , and have discovered that there are all sorts of horrendous problems associated with using them for consolidation .
3 As well as discussing experiences and problems in handling microcomputers , the group looked at programs available and experimented with using them in a variety of ways .
4 A drink problem is less to do with enjoying alcohol than with using it as a means of coping with pressures of various kinds .
5 Begin with thanking me for him ; look at him as a person as important to me as you are . ’
6 She 'd taxed him with trading them for snuff , which was his passion , and he 'd not denied it .
7 Of late years the Westminster scholars amused themselves with tearing it to pieces ; and one in particular , who bore a principal character in the police of India , lies under the imputation of having contributed in an especial manner to that havoc .
8 But the PRO is charged with keeping it in the public eye .
9 A new concept or product just entering the life-cycle may require intensive distribution to start with to launch it onto the market .
10 Disfavouring abortion in all cases is inconsistent with favouring it in some , since there are circumstances in which these attitudes will prompt attempts to permit and to prevent the very same act .
11 The villagers of Visiga call Safarimoja ‘ The Saviour ’ because they credit his discovery with saving them from hunger .
12 Or yes that 's one thing because he does n't like it anymore or he might have had a a problem with selling it to someone or something and just to take revenge or something he says
13 Anyway a plant , we think , for bigger gardens but if you can get away with growing it in a small space where cutting it back by all means do because it is quite a pretty thing .
14 The defendant was involved in a scuffle with a constable and was successfully charged with obstructing him in the execution of his duty .
15 This was regarded and listened to with some incredulity by the majority of the airmen , whose main ambition regarding Waafs had much to do with getting them into dark corners , like behind the Naafi , and nothing whatever to do with playing the flute or any other instrument .
16 You may well be upset , but you 're not going to get away with treating me like dirt .
17 ‘ You wo n't get away with treating me like this , ’ she said , grinding her teeth together with fury .
18 and we were saying last year we could of done with having him for a bit
19 I am fed up with having them in my kitchen ! ’
20 In the mild south , gardeners can get away with plunging them in their containers buried in peat in the garden , but up here they 'll need to be kept safe from hard frost in a cold frame .
21 Not content with blackguarding him in the columns of the local rag , him and his silly daughter 's bum , the one-time Chief Citizen of the Borough had been up to no good with a girl young enough to be Grace 's sister , and in the Grand Hotel , and at a Conservative Party conference of all places .
22 ‘ I should have stuck with playing him down the middle .
23 But is wholly content with showing You to others .
24 Having entered the soft systems world as an untrained novice some years ago , and endeavoured to apply the theories to problem situations within my normal sphere of activity , aided only by the few textbooks that were then on the market and occasional contact with other exponents of the approach , I am keenly aware of the difficulties that some practitioners may have , not only with understanding the principles but also with putting them into practice .
25 Recycling plastic bags is economically viable , according to a study by Nottingham University Consultants which compared the cost of recycling with making them from scratch .
26 Well the trouble with making it in a jar is you do n't get much skin do you ?
27 As far as the as far as A level as far as A level plays are concerned I think with had them on the stage before now over the last five ten years as far as I 'm concerned .
28 If Ramsey was to be Archbishop of Canterbury , what was wrong with leaving him in the weighty see of Durham until the day came ?
29 I get bored with watching them after a bit , so I go in the shop and have a look at their books .
30 It is closely associated with Kant 's assertion that there are ways of treating a man which are inconsistent with recognising him as a full member of the community so that such treatment is profoundly unjust .
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