Example sentences of "with [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ULSTER pensioners have reacted with horror to Government proposals to pay pensions directly into bank accounts .
2 Although this certainly coincided with attempts to breakdown the work process , matters were bound to be more complicated in such an unequivocally skilled trade .
3 She stood in the doorway , taking in the lofty whitewashed space with match-boarding to shoulder height and saddle racks full of Stubens and Passats , all clean .
4 He referred me to President of India v. La Pintada Compania Navigacion S.A. [ 1985 ] A.C. 104 where , in declining to extend the common law so as to enable a plaintiff to recover interest by way of general damages , the House of Lords were influenced by the fact that the legislature had twice intervened to deal with entitlement to interest .
5 On the other hand I could do with icons to Exit Ami Pro , Find and Replace , Full justification , Right justify text , Insert the current date and so on .
6 Erm on that I also point out that in terms of commuting , the next stop after York is Leeds , so a settlement on the A sixty four corridor is ideally placed with regards to rail transport , to the centre of Leeds .
7 And also with regards to product development and actual er image of the company there , the relations side is quite weak .
8 And that 's gon na create opportunities but also er the possibilities of joint ventures be it on a U K , Europe or the world basis er joint ventures will I mean a lot more cooperation between er th the large players with regards to product development what have you .
9 Pretreatment measurements of serum PTHrP , calcium and phosphate , nephrogenous cyclic AMP , tubular threshold for calcium and phosphate ( TmP ) , and the presence of bone metastases were correlated with response to pamidronate .
10 Intragastric bile acids were also measured in these patients and adduct levels correlated with exposure to bile .
11 Do the dog-whelks in this region vary in some easily-recognised parameter ( for example ; adult size/shell shape/shell thickness/body colour/shell colour or banding pattern ) with exposure to wave action ?
12 The first comment may mean that the child has no experience of seeing rusted metal , or she may have seen rusty objects but not connected them in any way with exposure to air and moisture .
13 Slowly the seaward houses sank below the level of the canal ; to begin with parallel to bedroom windows , finally above roof level .
14 On this occasion the members reached complete agreement on their previous differences and , in particular , on the clause of the draft/constitution dealing with admission to membership .
15 As I shall explain in the next section , this earlier privileging of intellect was intimately connected with resistance to nominalism , and , in the seventeenth century nominalism triumphed .
16 A roundtable discussion on the question ‘ What type of information do we need in the Middle East ? ’ dealt , among other things , with attitudes to information in the region , in view of the perception that information means power , and that access to it should therefore be restricted .
17 Later studies have concentrated on comparisons with attitudes to oil development in Dorset and on reactions to Chernobyl .
18 This effect causes the pickup coil pulses associated with entry to saturation to be noise and undesirable for use in the final measurement system .
19 By contrast socialism reverses the priorities : control is more important than freedom ; and control extends to the whole of the economy , with concessions to freedom being minimal .
20 The men have been charged with conspiracy to outrage public decency and will appear before Kidderminster magistrates today .
21 Nevertheless , it is the policy of the courts in England where there is security with recourse to property which can be effected by means other than a transaction of loan or charge , not to treat it as registrable under s395 of the Companies Act 1985 ( as amended ) .
22 Relative alpha activity has also been correlated with susceptibility to hypnosis ( Bakan , 1969 ) .
23 However , the structure and local planning process is frequently cumbersome and some district councils are faced with opposition to development among their electorates .
24 Paleontologists such as William Buckland took up this interpretation with enthusiasm , thus combining a continued belief in the argument from design with opposition to transmutation via the concept of successive creations .
25 Jesus , it was awful , and the worst thing about it was , when we arrived the baby was still warm , so we tried to revive it with mouth to mouth .
26 However , extensive research shows that the stereotypically female role of mother , as well as other social disadvantage , is actually associated with vulnerability to depression and broader distress ( Brown and Harris , 1978 ; Richman , 1974 , 1976 ; Moss and Plavis , 1977 ) .
27 Many women workers exhibit labour market characteristics traditionally associated with vulnerability to unemployment .
28 I believe this must be the heart of education , not just because every human being will have to cope with the unexpected , with disruption to routine and the loss of what is dear , but because it is singularly appropriate to the current generation of young people who find themselves growing up in a world that is characterized by instability .
29 It is clear that yield can vary quite considerably with coupon for the same term to maturity , and with term to maturity for different coupons .
30 Since borrowers prefer to borrow long and lenders prefer to lend short , investors have to be compensated by a liquidity premium to forgo liquidity , and this increases with term to maturity .
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